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Head's Blog


As we navigate through Autumn and these challenging times of global conflict and political unrest, I am filled with immense pride and hope, thanks to the incredible student led initiatives detailed in this edition of WeLink. The range of individual and collective actions demonstrate our core values of Engage Respect Achieve and their capacity to be future global changemakers – proving that even in the darkening of times our youth can be a beacon of light and change.

Community Contribution: Future Global Changemakers

Our students have demonstrated remarkable resilience and compassion through various fundraising events to support local and national initiatives. In addition to raising funds, these events and acts of service fostered a sense of community spirit, collaboration and empathy as a “village school, global outlook”. Their actions have not only benefited those in need but have also set a powerful example for others to follow – as learners and leaders.

There are many noble causes which students would like to support and initiatives will be staggered throughout the academic year. We hope that families within our school community are comforted by the recognition of issues, or organisations, which may have affected them.

Home School Partnership: Together We Thrive

It’s hard to believe that, to date, we have had only twenty-two school days this academic year. Yet, within that time, we have opened our doors to the school community with greater than two hundred and fifty families attending Open Evening, Open Morning tours “sold out” and individual Parent Information Evenings for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 taking place…Year 13 Parent Consultation will take place within the next few weeks.

It was important to us that parents and carers had the opportunity to meet with us in person early in the academic year; we know that teenagers do not always share messages received in school and that can leave parents and carers hungry for information! It was great to welcome so many parents and carers to these events as a demonstration that we are all working in partnership towards achieving the common goal of student success in a supportive and aspirational environment.

To parents and carers who attended multiple events in one evening, week or month… we will consider how we award you loyalty achievement points on ClassCharts!


It comes at the end of an extraordinary couple of weeks with so much activity that there was need for an additional edition. Since our last WeLink  - a mere seven days ago - we have had Sports Day, Tennis Tournament, Prize-giving, Meducators, Year 13 Ball, Year 7 activities at Ufton Court, new parent tutor meetings, Eco-Week activities, the return of our Flying Pigs from Moldova, Food Bank Appeal, Staff Farewells, expedition for Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, installation of playground canopy commencement, assemblies, lessons, the first address from our newly appointed Secretary of State for Education… sunshine and much rain!

Whilst it has been a busy week, The Willink is a school which is constantly busy and seeks to provide enriching opportunities for students. In addition to curriculum delivery and all the associated planning and assessment, staff have also facilitated greater than two-hundred and twenty sports fixtures; greater than eighteen large scale performances; greater than seventy local and international trips and visits; two thousand and eight hours of student voluntary service (with a social value greater than £10,981)...and more. From organising, supervising or attending afternoon fixtures; proms and balls until midnight; evening performances until 10pm; Sunday rehearsals; weekend camping in the rain; half-term trips; evening and weekend marking…it means that staff give of their time and make personal sacrifices. We have appreciated messages of thanks or recognition from parents and carers throughout the year and I must extend my gratitude to all staff for the commitment and care which they extend to our students. This is the most rewarding profession but the crew is tired and ready for a break! 


It was delightful to meet so many parents and carers on Monday evening at Prize-giving to celebrate student successes. However, as at Sports Day when not all 1200+ athletes can race, there are so many more students worthy of praise. Whilst a handful of students in each year group do struggle to abide by our values and guidance, it is so reassuring to know that so many students have had a successful year and do the right thing. Greater than 745,081 achievement points have been awarded to students from Years 7-13 in recognition of student demonstration of our values ranging from Successful Six, Collaboration, Assessment Score, Excellent classwork, Act of Kindness…


At this time of year there is always sadness that we say farewell to those colleagues who are leaving us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “Parting is such sweet sorrow”.

Ms Masters and Mr Luke, former students, will be moving on to university and beyond.

Ms Dean leaves us as school receptionist to pursue a career working with animals. Ms Head, who joined the PE Department in September will be joining a large airline company from September. Ms Wilson, Pastoral Assistant for Sixth Form, having completed her counselling qualification and will assume a post as full-time counsellor.

Ms Sinharoy has been teaching science with us since September and will continue to complete her teaching qualification at another school.

A number of staff are relocating to other parts of the country – or the world – to be closer to their own family:

Ms Becky Wilson, Family School Support Worker, returns to Gloucester. Ms Exelby, Humanities, is getting married and relocating to Winchester. Ms Aziz,  English, relocates to Birmingham. Ms Baker (also a former student), Maths, relocates to Somerset. Mr Tucker, Digital and Commerce, returns to Wales. Ms Leach, MFL, to Leamington where she will not teach but WILL continue in her role at The Willink as Educational Visits Coordinator – trips and visits must continue! Ms Garcia, MFL, will be travelling Australia (four years later than she intended to).

We are also losing five more long-standing members of the Willink staff team. Mr Ballantyne is leaving after 11 years, having started as Head of Media Studies, then Head of Sixth Form before joining the senior team as Assistant Head. He has spearheaded many of our initiatives – always with vision and humour. We extend our gratitude to him for his contribution to the school and wish him well in his new ventures as leader of Economics.

For eighteen years, Ms Jonas has been an exceptional teacher at The Willink. More recently her role evolved into supporting, inspiring and guiding new staff joining the profession via the teacher training partnership. Her unquestionable professionalism, enthusiasm and humour has always been appreciated. She will remain involved in education with a focus on recruitment, and development of, exceptional staff to the teaching profession via our partner Teaching School Hub Berkshire. She has also spent the past eighteen months learning to drive a truck. She’s ready to hit the open road so look out!

For twenty-one years, Mr Davies has inspired students and staff as an exceptional teacher of Physics, tutor, curriculum leader and mentor to new staff.  We will miss his good humour and wise words. He will remain connected to The Willink and Science Department…and has promised to interrupt his “life of leisure” as a visiting lecturer.

Ms Stephens has served The Willink as Learning Support Assistant for 23 years! Throughout these years she has supported a great number of students to overcome challenges and barriers to learning in order to achieve success. Retirement promises travel, time with family…and return to support our GCSE and A Level examinations as an invigilator.

Celebrating her Silver Anniversary wedded to The Willink, we thank Ms Rimes for her commitment to the school in various roles – but most recently in her role as Senior Cover Supervisor. Her flexibility, ability to react with calmness, in the most stressful of situations has been utterly admirable. For her, retirement also promises travel, time with family…and return to support our GCSE and A Level examinations as an invigilator.

To all staff who are leaving us, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.

There is much in the news about recruitment challenges faced by schools. Indeed, one of the new Government pledges relates to the recruitment of 6,500 teachers. It is the most rewarding profession. The Willink is a great community to work in and we are delighted to confirm that we have no teaching vacancies from September.


Throughout the year, our “home-grown” band of Sixth Form students has supported many school events. This includes end of term/year assemblies, staff events, prize-giving, musical concerts and local community events. As individuals, each member is a talented and accomplished musician. Collectively, they work in perfect harmony. We have admired their exhibition of The Willink values. They have engaged by embracing all opportunities; they have respected one another and the school community; they have supported us in celebrating the achievement of others but have also celebrated their own achievements and success.

You can join is in celebrating their achievement by downloading their singles “No Biggie” and “Eventful Days and Expensive Cars” from Spotify. Shameless promotion of our students!


Thank you to parents and carers for your support of staff as we try to achieve our vision for students. May I wish you all a great summer.

Students are ready for a break and we hope that they use the time to recharge their batteries in preparation for next year. Within our Parent Digest this week we have provided some reminders about how students can remain safe online.

Please remember, if you are purchasing new uniform that it is compliant with the school policy which is on the school website. Please do see further information regarding suppliers published within our most recent Parent Digest. If you are in any doubt about whether shoes are suitable, skirts are long enough, trousers are the correct shade etc then please do contact school and we will confirm with you.

Please note that uniforms should be exactly that – with no adaptations or customising. For example, sweaters must be worn without being tied at the back, skirts should be worn conventionally without waistbands being rolled over and trousers should be worn with the waistband on the waist rather than lower than this. Activities such as trips to the barber, nail salon, piercing salon should be done mindfully and in the knowledge that false nails, piercings other than one single stud conventionally worn in the ear lobe and hair styles extreme fashion (shaved heads less than grade 2, exaggerated stepped, tram- lines or lop-sided haircuts or non-natural colours) are not permitted in school.

We look forward to welcoming the new Year 7 and year 12 on Wednesday 4 September and the rest of the school on Thursday 5 September. 

All term dates, as well as calendar dates, can be found on the school website.


An Eventful and Engaging Time

This is such a busy and exhausting time. We have already held our Year 11 Prom – such a lovely and relaxed occasion – with the Year 13 Ball to follow next week. The Media Showcase was a red-carpet event, exhibiting incredible pieces of work on display. We have held our Year 6 into Year 7 Induction Days and Information Evening for parents and carers of our rising Year 7 and this week “Meet the Tutor” meetings are taking place.

This week is a culturally rich week focusing on music, sport and expedition. We held an evening Summer Concert which was an excellent opportunity for students to express themselves and demonstrate their talent on stage. Our choir will also be performing at The Hexagon Theatre. This follows the three evenings and matinee performance of Grimm Tales last week. Some of our Year 10 students have been performing to students during assemblies in our feeder primary schools to expose them to live performance. It is brilliant that we are witnessing an upsurge in engagement in the performing arts.

Our sports festival is divided into two days - track and field - culminating in the whole school participating and cheering their House in gaining vital House points as we near the end of term. Fingers crossed that this is not curtailed by inclement British summer weather! Our Year 9 Sports Leaders have also demonstrated their leadership skills in supporting the annual Sports Day at Mrs Blands Infant and Nursery and Garland Junior School. Deputy Headteacher, Ms Williams, commented, “As ever, they were a fantastic support and helped our Sports Day to run so smoothly. They represent your school so brilliantly and we look forward to welcoming them back next year!”

Our students completing Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award completed their expedition last weekend and demonstrated great resilience against torrential rain and weather unbecoming of Summer. Our students have completed greater than 3000 hours of voluntary service to contribute positively to our local community.  We are proud of our students who represent our school so well and are developing the attributes of future global changemakers! 

Next week, we will issue a final edition of WeLink to conclude the year.


Welcome to another bumper edition of WeLink. You will see that it has been a busy fortnight. My personal highlights have included celebration of student leadership, celebration of success and working with our local primary schools.

Harmonious Notes: Local Primary School Choir Joins Us

The melodious voices of eight-seven students from The Willink, Aldermaston Primary School, Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School and Garland Junior School choirs echoed through our halls as they joined us for a special performance. The collaboration between our students and theirs was a harmonious celebration of music, talent…and values of Engage Respect Achieve. We are delighted to have reinstated this annual tradition; my feet are still tapping!

Sports Ambassadors Overseeing Primary School Sports Day

Our enthusiastic student Sports Ambassadors took charge to support Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Sports Day. These young leaders encouraged fair play, cheered on participants, and ensured everyone had a fantastic time. Their dedication to promoting physical activity and positive values truly shone through and we received wonderful feedback from Mrs Carmichael, Headteacher, about the ERA values which our students displayed. 

Year 12 Induction Days: Bridging the Gap from GCSE to A Level

The final GCSE exam was completed on Wednesday 19 June and, with no time to waste, our rising Year 12 students embarked on an exciting journey during their two Induction Days on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 June. They explored their A Level courses, met their new form tutors and teachers, and connected with peers. We were pleased to welcome students who were returning to us and also to many who were new to The Willink. These days were crucial for easing the transition and setting the stage for academic success.

Year 11 Prom: A Night to Remember

The Year 11 Prom was a dazzling affair! Our students donned their finest attire, danced the night away, and celebrated the end of exams and achievements. Memories were made, friendships strengthened, and dreams shared under the glittering lights/disco ball. Photographs will feature in our next edition of WeLink. 

Preparing for the Primary to Secondary Transition

We are preparing to welcome our rising Year 7 students for two induction days next week. In preparation, our student Peer Mentors have visited our feeder schools and hosted an afternoon of activities for students who non-feeder schools. Our dedicated staff have been working closely with colleagues in primary schools to prepare for a smooth transition to secondary school. From orientation sessions, taster lessons, Peer Mentoring buddy programs, an afternoon matinee performance of Grimm Tales, Meet the Tutor appointments…we’re ensuring that our incoming students feel welcomed, supported, and excited about this new chapter.


Our ERA Values

This edition of WeLink highlights the range of activities and opportunities which students, from all year groups embrace, with a sense of social responsibility and pride in their community. Students are provided with opportunities to develop leadership skills and this is evident in activities led by student committees such as: Eco-Committee which is driving our ambition to achieve Eco-Schools Award; Sixth Form Competition Committee which organised student Netball Competition to promote student wellbeing; Student Technical Team who supported Mortimer's Got Talent; students who represented the school in local sporting competitions; the hundreds of hours of voluntary work completed by those completing Duke of Edinburgh; form tutor groups working together to raise funds for KIVA... We have also been contacted by the driver of a public bus who praised one of our students who acted as a "good Samaritan" and vacated their seat for an elderly member of the community. These actions reflect The Willink values of Engage Respect Achieve and are something to be celebrated.

In this context, it is disappointing to learn that there has been an increase in litter at the local recreation ground. The African proverb that "it takes a village to raise a child" resonates with The Willink because the sense of community is so important. We would also expect students to respect their environment, their village and their local community. Anti-social behaviour such as littering by a very small minority undermines all of the wonderful contributions and actions of the majority of our students who do reflect our values.


Food Glorious Food!

We are delighted to announce that, after an intensive tender process, Harrison Catering has been appointed as the new catering supplier for The Willink, starting in September 2024.

One of the highlights of this selection process was the involvement of our students. They were invited to sample the fantastic food provided by all the suppliers and offered their honest feedback which was invaluable in making our final decision. You will see from the photographs that they took their role of "test and taste" very seriously! 

In appointing our catering supplier, there were key areas of priority for the school. These include:

  • Value for money 
  • Quality  
  • Taste
  • Speed of service
  • Provenance
  • Sustainability 

We are confident that students and staff will benefit from an exceptional food offer. Recipes will utilise fresh, seasonal and local ingredients and 95% of the menu will be freshly prepared on site, from scratch, every day. This School Food Plan compliant menu is nutritionally balanced and checked by Nutritionist, Dr Juliet Gray.   There will be a full launch of new menus prior to September 2024. Personally, I am excited by the extension of the offer to include a breakfast menu. There will be an additional provision of porridge, to any student, at no cost. I can’t think of a better way to start the day! The big question is: should porridge be sweet, salty or unadulterated? Our Eco Committee changemakers will be pleased to learn that all packaging used will be fully compostable. 

As we plan the transition from Dolce to Harrison Catering, we will provide further information in due course. We do not anticipate any disruption or changes to the current catering services and options for our students until the end of the term.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dolce for their dedicated service to The Willink over the past five years. Their contribution has been greatly appreciated.


Why is our catering and food offer so important for students and their ability to Engage Respect and Achieve?

Varied Diet: a diverse diet which includes a wide range of nutritious food is essential. Nutrients such as vitamins, essential fats, amino acids (found in protein) and dietary fibre from plant-based foods all play a crucial role in supporting brain health.

Regular Meals: Eating regular meals helps regulate blood sugar levels which can influence hormones affecting mood and concentration. Therefore, young people who skip meals may experience low mood and volatile behaviour (often referred to as being “hangry”).

Specific Nutrients for the Brain:

  • Minerals: iron, zinc, magnesium and iodine are important for brain function.
  • Vitamin D: Essential for mood regulation and attention.
  • B Vitamins: Support cognitive processes.

Supplements: In some cases, nutritional supplements (eg. Vitamin D or Omega-3) can help when the diet lacks specific nutrients. Omega-3 supplements may benefit young people with ADHD or Aurism whilst Vitamin D can reduce irritability and improve attention.

In short, a balanced and nutritious diet lays the foundation for healthy physical and cognitive development – which will support students’ ability to Engage Respect and Achieve.

Please see the following more detailed information about nutrition from UK Association for Dietitians and some examples of nutritious recipes for children provided by Kids Planet.


It's been another busy few weeks and we're delighted to share with you the latest news from The Willink!


Firstly, exams! With the national exam schedule starting earlier than usual, Year 11 are already fully in exam mode and Year 13 started this week. Year 13 enjoyed a celebratory assembly, games on the Three Fields and barbeque whilst they dressed up in the job of their childhood dreams (with many still pursuing those same dreams as the prepare for continued study at university or the world of work)! We shall see them all next at their Proms and, for Year 11, during their Sixth Form induction. 

The process has started smoothly. Students have been well prepared and demonstrated both resilience and ambition as they entered the exam venues and attended additional revision sessions between exams. We have navigated the anxiety of young people and overcome the logistical challenges of setting up exams and deploying invigilators. There can be half a dozen venues for some exams – due to the size of the cohort or the special circumstances of students requiring individualised support. Our special thanks to Mrs Vause, our Exams Manager, Mrs May, the Assistant Exams Manager, and the army of invigilators.

Year 9 students, preparing to start GCSE courses from September, are also completing assessments during “Exam Fortnight” in some subjects. This continuous process of assessment allows students to regularly recap and revise curriculum content and skills – but also to become familiar with nerves associated with examinations and build resilience. 


As we approach the upcoming May half term break, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you and your families. Amidst the busy schedules and day-to-day responsibilities, I hope this holiday provides you with a well-deserved opportunity to rest, recharge, and spend quality time together.

National Numeracy Week

To mark National Numeracy Week we would like to highlight the invaluable role of Mobius Maths Hub in promoting numeracy education and supporting schools in enhancing mathematical learning outcomes. The Willink leads Mobius Maths Hub (one of only forty Maths Hubs in England) which supports schools and colleagues across West Berkshire, Reading, Bracknell Forest, Wiltshire and Swindon to inspire students and their experience of learning and mastering mathematical skills and showcase the relevance of numeracy in everyday life.

What is the role of Mobius Maths Hub?

Maths Hubs are collaborative partnerships between schools, colleges, and universities that work together to improve mathematics education and raise standards in numeracy. These hubs are part of the national network coordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and the Department for Education.

Maths Hubs offer a range of professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their subject knowledge, pedagogical skills, and confidence in teaching mathematics. These programmes equip educators with the tools and strategies to inspire students and foster a positive attitude towards numeracy.

Maths Hubs facilitate the sharing of best practices, resources, and innovative teaching approaches among schools within their network. By collaborating and exchanging ideas, teachers can access a wealth of materials and support to enrich their mathematics curriculum and engage students effectively.

Maths Hubs also conduct research and development projects to explore new approaches to teaching and learning mathematics, address challenges in numeracy education, and drive continuous improvement in mathematics pedagogy. These initiatives contribute to the ongoing enhancement of mathematical teaching practices and student achievement.

Therefore, our leadership of Mobius Maths Hub allows us to foster excellent partnerships with a community of colleagues across a large learning community. 

Get Involved in National Numeracy Week

We encourage all students, parents, and carers to participate in National Numeracy Week activities and celebrate the joy of mathematics. Whether it's solving puzzles, exploring mathematical concepts, or calculating the cost of half-term activities, this week is an opportunity to showcase the importance of numeracy in our daily lives. 


Welcome to the second edition of Summer Term WeLink. There is nothing yet to indicate that summer is on its way but May has arrived so I’ll apply William Shakespeare’s optimism to The Willink: “As full of spirit as the month of May, and as gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer”.


This is the time, of course, we turn attention to public exams – with some GCSE exams already in motion. The full GCSE examination schedule begins on Thursday 9 May 2024 and we wish all students every success to reward their hard work and engagement with learning.

You can find a reminder of “top tips” as shared via Parent Information Evening relating to: “Supporting Your Child Through Exams”, Exam Guidance and GCSE Revision Skills. There is good information in these documents about: creating routines (food, exercise, friends, downtime – help with exam planning), looking out for signs of stress (more irritable than normal, off their food?), talking about anxiety (remembering that exam worries or stress is quite normal, talking openly about how you manage own stressful situations), being available to listen and being flexible to their needs (if they want to talk, just being there), unwinding after an exam (so they relax, do something different and don’t dwell on what they could have done better before starting revision for the next paper), and encouraging them to talk staff at school if needed.

With regard to Year 11, our year team led by Ms Van Zwieten and our pastoral team, led by Mrs Harbidge, are available for students to see and parents to contact even if just as a listening ear. We can then act on concerns.

Students Showcase Skills

This has been another busy fortnight at The Willink with a wonderful array of chances for students to embrace opportunities and showcase their skills as future global changemakers.

The Willink is at the heart of the local community and it was therefore wonderful to enjoy an evening of student musical performance at Sulhamstead and Ufton Nervet St Mary’s Church whilst Year 7 students simultaneously provided theatrical entertainment to an audience in The Willink drama studio.

It was a pleasure to see students demonstrating leadership skills and genuine care for the global community in their organisation of, and contribution to, the fundraising events focusing on foods from a range of cultures and our new school community garden space.


Since the last edition of WeLink there has been a flurry of activity showcasing talent, knowledge, skill and fabulous examples of students “embracing opportunities to be their best in, and out, of lessons” (Engage). You’ll see features relating to World Book Week, Poetry By Heart, House Drama Competition, Maths Inspiration, Mock Trials and Mission Zero Coding competition – all showcasing students’ ability to work collaboratively, develop skills and enjoy learning. Likewise, you’ll see student initiatives to contribute positively to the environment and community with new plants, much loved visit from our mother duck, recycling bins secured via Tesco Stronger Starts and fundraising activities (Respect). Finally, there are numerous examples of ambitious goals being set and achievements celebrated in school, local and national sporting competitions (Achieve). We celebrate all achievements and note that we have a number of female students selected for national teams.

Clarity About Uniform Expectations

The first strand of our value of Respect is, “Wear our uniform properly and with pride”. Wearing The Willink uniform is a symbol of identity, belonging and community cohesion. Students wearing the uniform represent our values – and should feel proud to be part of such a great school with wonderful opportunities.

May I remind you, before you invest in trips to barbers or salons during half-term, of the following uniform expectations:

The Willink School uniform is:

  • Shirt Navy blue polo shirt with school logo
  • Jumper Navy blue V neck with school logo
  • Shoes Black leather formal with no logo and low heel (must be able to be polished)
  • Socks Plain white or dark coloured socks Shorts Tailored grey Bermuda shorts (optional from Easter to October half term)
  • Outdoor Coat Plain
  • Boys Trousers Dark grey or mid grey (tailored suit style)
  • Girls Trousers Navy blue, dark grey or mid grey, straight leg
  • Skirt Navy blue pleated, worn on or just above the knee
  • Tights Plain grey, navy or neutral tights

The following are not permitted

  • Hoodies (sweatshirt type material), track suit tops, denim
  • Jeans, cords, denim, leggings, drainpipes or similar items
  • Black trousers
  • Socks worn over tights
  • Hats are not to be worn in the school buildings
  • Trainers, sports shoes, (with logos or motifs – such as made by Adidas, Converse, Vans, Nike, for example), canvas shoes/pumps, sandals, sling back shoes or boots. No swooshes or stripes Shoes must be able to be polished and be suitable for a formal working environment.

Jewellery, make-up and haircuts:

  • Jewellery is not permitted. Pierced ears may be protected by the wearing of a single stud in each ear, worn in the lobes. Studs should be small and gold or silver coloured only. Studs should be removed, for safety reasons, in PE lessons.
  • Rings, bangles, bracelets and other body piercings, e.g. nose studs, are not permitted. Retainers are not acceptable. Wearing plasters designed to disguise piercings, other than a single stud worn in the lobe, is not acceptable.
  • Make-up should be discreet. If it is noticeable students will be asked to remove it.
  • Haircuts of extreme fashion, e.g. no shaved heads less than grade 2, exaggerated stepped, tram lines or lop-sided haircuts or non-natural colours
  • Long, polished, coloured or decorated fingernails, including synthetic false nails, are not permitted.

We thank parents and carers for support of this policy. Checking that skirt waistbands are worn conventionally (not rolled over), jewellery removed, correct shoes worn etc prior to students leaving home supports staff to welcome students positively to school and lessons. The full Policy on School Uniform can be found here.

Well Wishes

Recent announcements regarding the health of members within the royal family will resonate with many families and staff within our school community – or prompted reflection and perspective. My grandfather marked significant occasions in poetic verse so I thought I’d share an extract which I think can apply to all:

“...be good, be caring, be kind,

Sometimes pretend to be blind

To faults and those who offend...”

Spring is a time for growth so I would like to wish you a peaceful Easter break with time to focus on those things which are important to you.


Who Were The Mystery Travellers?

We were contacted this week by the driver of a public bus service from Reading to praise the respectful conduct of two of our students returning from school at the end the school day. These students had noticed an elderly passenger in need of support alighting the stairs, got up to help her, and vacated their seats for her. The driver was impressed by their respectful sense of civic duty.  

We appreciated the driver for taking the time to contact us with this commendation. It was a great reminder of the fact that, when we wear The Willink uniform, we represent the school and our values. It was also a sad reflection of society that the driver saw this as an unusual gesture.

 I would love to know the identity of these mystery travellers… Whoever you are, thank you for challenging the stereotype that “teenagers these days” are inconsiderate and anti-social. Instead, you presented as thoughtful contributors to society. 


Our Mission: Future Global Changemakers

During assembly before half-term, students were asked to consider examples of possible “changemakers” and associated qualities and attributes of a changemaker.

Those attributes include:

  • The desire to change things and readiness to take action
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Teamwork and shared leadership
  • Cognitive empathy

The Willink mission is that all students develop and demonstrate these attributes via a range of activities throughout their time with us.  At the end of last term, this was epitomised by student engagement in “Willink Meets Broadway” performance to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. You will see from photographs of the performance that students demonstrated the attributes of a changemaker, whilst demonstrating impressive talent, ably supported by a very high-tech Tech Team – and had fun in the process. These future global changemakers have highlighted that Creative Arts is very secure at The Willink.  


Mobile Phones

In the “good old days” when I was a student at school, using a phone meant: arranging a time when a friend could call the home landline; trying to answer the phone before a parent could answer (and therefore screen the caller); having a hushed conversation in the hallway; being prompted to end the call quickly because siblings/parents also needed to use the landline; the engaged tone indicating that friends were already on calls to one another (there were no “group chats”); explaining to exasperated parents what we could “possibly have to talk about after spending all day together at school”… Not only that, my parents asked us to make a donation to the piggy-bank next to the phone if we made a call! It was a complicated, yet safe and simple, life of communication.

Earlier this week, Department for Education, issued guidance promoting a complete ban of mobile phones in school. In July 2023, United Nations warned that mobile phones are a source of distraction to young people. We subscribe to the fact that students need to be free to learn without distraction and to develop interpersonal skills – in the real world.

The Willink's current policy is that mobile phones should not be used whilst in school. They should remain turned off between 8:40am-3:05pm. During that time, if there is an emergency, parents and carers can contact school via the main telephone number and we will relay the message. Likewise, students can contact home in the event of an emergency via the main office. We thank parents and carers for supporting us with this policy.


If you’d like to know more about how mobile phones can be used safely the following websites provide reliable and helpful guidance:

The thinkuknow website is a great place for young people to find out lots of information about the sites that they like to visit, new technology, even mobile phones.  For those of you who look after young people there is an area for you too. There are resources you can use at home to “get up to speed” with internet technology.  You can also use this website to report a webpage or a person you have been chatting to online.  The thinkuknow website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection [CEOP] Centre.


ChildNet is an excellent website that provides online-safety information for parents and carers so you can keep your child safe.


The Better Internet for Kids guide to online services aims to provide key information about some of the most popular apps, social networking sites and other platforms, which are commonly being used by children and young people (and adults) today.


The BBC Webwise website provides a range of educational materials designed to inform young people and parents or carers about the safe way to use the internet.


This site will provide guidance and reassurance about how to keep children and young people safe on their smart phones and related devices.


Welcome to the first February edition of WeLink. It follows a rather busy fortnight: Berkshire Schools Cross Country Championships; Year 10 student visits to Oxford University; Year 11 interviews with Education Business Partnership; Year 11 Consultation Evening; visits from local artists to students studying A Level Art; guest speakers to students studying A Level Economics; Year 9 GCSE Options Evening; interviews for students applying to Willink Sixth Form; Maths Hub National Conference…

Through these events we have seen students take steps towards achieving our collective vision and mission.

Our Vision: “The Willink ensures that all students flourish and achieve their full academic and personal potential. They are confident, respectful and resilient global citizens with the knowledge and skills to be successful in 21st Century.”

Our Mission: Future Global Changemakers


Pathways to Success

We were delighted to welcome students, parents and carers to GCSE Options Evening – to meet with their teachers, discuss diverse curriculum choices and links with potential careers aligned with their interests. This marks a pivotal point in their academic journey of self-discovery, curiosity and critical thinking.

Simultaneously, we witnessed remarkable students who impressed us during Sixth Form Interviews. There was great diversity in individual academic interests and pursuit but an equally impressive range of individual personal interest: cricket, art, archery, wall-climbing, sailing, cycling, reading, Duke of Edinburgh, Scouts, volunteering. Engaging in personal pursuits makes us all interesting and a reminder that it’s never too late to “embrace opportunities to be our best in, and out, of lessons”.

Speaking to students about their future pursuits was a great highlight.


Mobius Maths Hub

As the lead school for the Mobius Maths Hub we joined the other thirty-nine national maths hubs for the annual conference in Birmingham this week. To be one of only forty national hubs is a great accolade. Mobius Maths Hub supports schools and colleges across West Berkshire, Reading, Bracknell Forest, Swindon and Wiltshire; collaborating with such a large network of colleagues, with the aim of improving student experience and outcomes in maths, is a great privilege and inspiring opportunity for us to be changemakers.


A Happy New Year to all our readers! I do hope you had a good break during the festive period and found time to rest, recuperate and recharge. 


At the beginning of term, we welcomed some new staff: Ms Arnold (Mathematics) and Ms Minunno (Modern Foreign Languages). 

Environmental Issues

Coming back to start a new term on a wet dark Monday morning was a shock to the system for some but we were relieved to see that roads, which had been impassable due to flooding caused by heavy rainfall, did not present a barrier to us reaching school.

Prompted by the intense rainfall experienced locally, our assembly theme during this fortnight has explored the topic of ‘Respect for our Environment’, and in particular, the effect of our carbon footprint on the environment. As a “village school with a global outlook”, students were encouraged to consider individual actions and responsibility to make positive contributions to our local and global society. What small steps can be taken to become future global changemakers?

I shared what my estimated carbon footprint is based on diet, travel, energy source and consumption amongst other factors. If you are interested in knowing what your carbon footprint is you can calculate this via the WWF website. You will also be able to explore the carbon footprint for your local area. Interestingly, the carbon footprint for the RG7 area is higher than the UK national average and this is largely attributed to our habits relating to transport.


The edition of WeLink features a section about the impact of vaping on health. We know that disposable vapes have become increasingly popular in society – and with that comes significant impact on health and the environment. Vapes are not allowed in school and we thank parents for supporting us with this. Please see the attached letter regarding our concerns about this potentially harmful issue.

Disposable vapes are designed for single-use and are often discarded after a short period of time, contributing to the growing problem of electronic waste. The batteries, plastic casings, and other components of disposable vapes end up in landfills, where they can release harmful chemicals into the environment as they degrade. In the UK we bin almost 5 million vapes each week – which is approximately eight vapes per second.

We encourage students to make conscious decisions to reduce consumption of disposable items (such as water bottles) and to properly recycle and dispose of electronic waste, in order to minimise our ecological footprint and create a sustainable global society.


On the final day of the autumn term and final school day of 2023, I reflect on the fabulous achievements of our school community throughout this calendar year. There are countless achievements to celebrate and I would like to express a huge gratitude to every member of our school community for their contribution to our school.  I would like to say thank you to:

  • students for their engagement and ambition to achieve goals
  • staff for their creativity, commitment, diligence and dedication
  • parents and carers for their unwavering support and partnership
  • governors for their vision and guidance.

At the end of the calendar year, it is customary to look back and reflect on the year which draws to a close. Our highlights include a range of activities where students have showcased our values of Engage Respect Achieve: welcoming new students, staff and parents; inter-house events; local and foreign trips; performing arts productions; engagement with sports fixtures; modern foreign languages “concerts”; reading to achieve; celebration of success events; discos; Duke of Edinburgh activities; student-led fundraising activities; peer-to-peer support initiatives such as Paired Reading; progress towards exam success; work experience; successful applications to universities, apprenticeships and the world of work…seeing students achieve their full academic and personal potential. We look forward to the new year and further opportunities for students and staff to flourish.

It really is a privilege to work with young people from different backgrounds, with a range of talents and interests, and see them overcome different challenges. If you asked our staff what they enjoy the most about working in a school they would say, “Working with young people, knowing that we make a difference and knowing that we are appreciated”.

As normal, there are some staff changes at the end of term. Firstly, we express our gratitude to Ms Bailey who retires after almost twenty years of dedication to The Willink. In her role as PA to the Headteacher, she has been an invaluable member of the school community. In fact, Mrs Bailey is a former Willink student (maintaining school records for the fastest 400 metres for a number of years), met her husband whilst they were both Willink students and was a parent within The Willink community. Whilst she will be sorely missed, we wish her a long and fulfilling retirement.

Ms Anderson, Second in Modern Foreign Languages(MFL), will commence her maternity leave. We wish her well and look forward to her return.

We are delighted to welcome Ms Arnold, as Teacher of Maths, and Ms Minunno, as Teacher of MFL, from January 2024.

This week, on a cold and wet Monday afternoon, meeting and greeting our former-year 13 students at our Celebration of Success event was a delightful pleasure. It is a proud moment to see our students now fully fledged. This is probably a good moment also to advertise Willink Alumni – our organisation for ex-students to keep connected with the school: for full details please contact the School Office.

School Uniform

When we return to school in January we look forward to seeing students wearing their Willink uniform with pride. Our uniform sets high expectations and gives students a sense of belonging to a wider community where everyone is on an equal footing. Having a clear uniform policy helps us keep conversations with students free of any distractions and allows teachers and staff to focus on teaching and learning.  

To that end, please ensure your child returns wearing full uniform, including black shoes, wearing no hoodies or sports tops and leaving jewellery or Christmas gifts and gadgets at home. Please do allow time for hair to grow and false nails to be removed prior to the start of term. We know times are hard so if you need to talk to someone about assistance with uniform, please get in touch with the school.

Gadgets as Gifts

Many young people will seek new gadgets during the festive period: mobile phones, games consoles, tablets, smartwatches…

You will want to know that these can be used safely and responsibly – but technology develops at such a fast pace that knowing where to start can be overwhelming for parents and carers. Please see the guidance from Childnet about how to set parental controls, monitor usage and start conversations with your child(ren) about their usage.

Seasons Greetings

Finally, please remember that school closes at 12.40pm this Thursday. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of our school community a safe and peaceful Christmas break with family and friends and look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 8th January 2024.



Welcome to the penultimate WeLink of 2023! The Willink world is not yet ready for my rendition of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”. Why? I do have a woefully tuneless, but enthusiastic, singing voice but there remains much to be done before the end of term. 

Mock Exams

Year 11 students have embarked upon Mock Examinations (mocks) which offer intense simulation of their final GCSE Examinations. Students complete these mocks within examination venues and under examination conditions. These mocks provide students with the opportunity to rehearse finding their examination seat, with their clear pencil case (a stipulation from the Joint Qualifications Council) and correct equipment, overcome nerves, manage time, identify topics and skills which are areas of strength and areas for development to inform teachers’ planning. Some of these exams last greater than two hours so they need to have stamina to complete them (a hot breakfast of porridge would be my recommended way to start the day – but that conforms to my stereotypical heritage). The mocks are a launchpad into final preparation for GCSE examinations and students do take them very seriously. We wish them success.

We are also grateful to students in other year groups who have moved quietly between lessons to avoid disturbing them. At some point in the future, they will be sitting in the same exam venue completing their own GCSE examinations and we know that they’ll want the same consideration. In the meantime, all students should continue to work hard, try their best when completing class assessments, accept feedback…all in the knowledge that it will build their exam stamina for the future.

Next Steps

Amidst revision and preparation for mock exams, Year 11 and 13 students have been completing applications to study the courses of their choice. Following the success of Moving Forward Day, we have already received applications to our Sixth Form in advance of the deadline (20 December 2023). Likewise, Year 13 students have been completing UCAS applications to universities and courses of their choice. This has involved a long process of researching career pathways, courses and universities (including visits) in conjunction with support from tutors and dedicated team of UCAS and Careers Advisors to complete these applications. Staff then also provide references in support of these applications. We now wait in anticipation of offers. 

A Flurry of Activity

Despite the focused activities above, there are a number of enrichment activities much like any other year. Year 7 students will attend a pantomime (oh yes they will) which is an important cultural experience for young people and a good opportunity for the Year 7 cohort to build a sense of collective identity. We have enjoyed the school production 'Rock of Ages: Teen Edition' which showcased incredible talent, skills and passion for performance. It was a pleasure to watch. We also look forward to a Christmas Music Concert, X-mas Factor Competition in MFL, House Matches, Year 8 Disco, Year 11 Interview Skills, Celebration of Success… 

Learning Review Day

I do hope you found the LRD experience useful for reviewing work this term - but also in setting the course for the spring term. It was great to see so many families in school, or online, for these conversations to take place.

With almost 500 families having responded to the LRD questionnaire thus far – the survey is still open


Welcome to another bumper edition of WeLink. There is a lot of activity in school as we prepare for the final few weeks of term!  

Learning Review Day 

In preparation for Learning Review Day, students are reflecting on their achievement and progress since September. We are also looking forward to meeting parents and carers. The relationship between form tutor and students and their parents or carers is an important one and we appreciate the opportunity to have these conversations to reflect, celebrate achievements and set ambitious goals. Meanwhile, students in Years 7-10 will experience remote learning from home. This helps students to develop skills in research, organisation, time management and application skills which are appraised when they return to school. Some students in Year 11 students will be in school for a period of time to complete targeted activities to focus on coursework or preparation for mock examinations. These mock examinations will provide them, and their teachers, with valuable information: about what they understand (or not) but also about the importance of revision skills, organisation, exam techniques and how to develop resilience to combat exam related worry. Ultimately, this will support them to fulfil their potential in GCSE examinations. 

Village School: Social Responsibility 

Two years ago, The Willink contribution to West Berkshire Foodbank was the largest donation which they had ever received. This year, we hope to at least maintain this “personal best” and fulfil part of the school motto that we are a “village school” which supports the local community.  Winter can be a challenging time for many families and we know that small acts of kindness can make a big difference. With this in mind, next week we will be collecting items to a pass onto West Berkshire Foodbank. Parents and carers will shortly receive an email from us outlining what items are in most need and, if you are able to help, when students can bring donations into school. Thank you in advance for your support of this very worthwhile cause.

Events in School 

It’s a busy time of year! Year 11 Moving Forward Day takes place on Wednesday 29 November (when students will experience opportunities on offer post-16 at The Willink or elsewhere. Before the end of term there are a number of festive events: pantomime trip (oh no there isn’t); Christmas Dinner, Music Concert, Year 8 Disco and…next week Rock of Ages school production. Tickets (which enable production licences, props and equipment to be purchased) are available via Scopay and the Finance Office. We hope to see you then. It promises to be a great evening out.  

"Pupils are justly proud of their school"

On October 4th and 5th 2023, The Willink warmly welcomed His Majesty’s Ofsted Inspection team, and the results are in! We're thrilled to share the final published report, affirming that The Willink "continues to be a good school" and is described as "an exciting school... offering so many opportunities to inspire the children. It’s a great place to learn and grow."

This ungraded inspection, conducted every four years, was a rigorous and robust process spanning two days. We're proud that the inspection highlighted the strengths of our school, emphasizing the culture of care created by our committed staff. Their collaborative efforts in delivering an ambitious curriculum and providing 'first-class' opportunities for personal development ensure that all students, including those with SEND or from disadvantaged backgrounds, can flourish.

A heartfelt thank you to every member of our school community—staff, students, parents, and governors—for your vital contributions to our continued success. Your joint effort creates a thriving learning environment at The Willink.

As we celebrate our achievements, our commitment to improvement remains unwavering. We will build on our strengths and address areas for development, ensuring excellence in all aspects of our provision.

Please see the letter I shared with parents/carers this week where I reflected on the report.

If you wish to delve into the details of the inspection report in its entirety, please click here.

More information about Ofsted can be found on our website.

The Act of Forgiveness

Last week we had the unique opportunity to welcome Letlapa Mphahlele, former commander of a South African liberation army during apartheid times. You may recognise him as the protagonist in the award-winning film “Beyond Forgiving”. The theme of his presentation was ultimately about his personal experience of the humbling act of forgiveness.  

He shared an honest account of his radical transformation from a passionate commander who, during apartheid, ordered high profile retaliatory massacres on white civilians, to a man who now views all of humanity as “My People”.  

Letlapa described how he faced the mother of a young woman who had been killed in a massacre which he had ordered. In achieving forgiveness, both acknowledged their deep pain: the murder of her daughter and his experience of oppression whilst growing up in South Africa during apartheid era.  

Nelson Mandela once said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” 

Practising forgiveness does not mean condoning or minimising the harm which has been done. Instead, it is a conscious and deliberate choice to let go of the emotional burden attached to holding on to grievances. 

Forgiveness is an act of self-care and expression of empathy towards others – a gift that we give to those who have wronged us but also to ourselves. 

The Willink Mission for students is that they can develop into future global changemakers. In doing so, learning to forgive themselves and others will be an essential life skill. 


Governor School Tour

Last week we were delighted to host a group of our governors to tour the school and see the work of students and staff first hand. No areas were off limits! Such tours typically take place on a termly basis, and combined with individual visits to curriculum areas, they help Governors to visualise the school which they discuss through meetings and committees. To gain insight into overall ethos, culture, behaviour and attitude to learning, they spoke to students; observed lessons in action; examined work being completed; observed lesson changeover…and no visit would be complete without visiting toilets! There was a very calm and productive atmosphere and students spoke with confidence about their work, what they were learning, how they were learning and why. 

Highlights of the Week

At the “Willink family dinner-table” we routinely ask for our low-light of the day or week but also for our highlights. As Headteacher, my low-lights have included occasions when our values of Engage, Respect and Achieve have not been met. When this happens, it results in consequences and conversations which are often uncomfortable for those involved. Nevertheless, they are necessary. However, working together with supportive parents, carers and staff in these situations counts as a highlight: we are all working towards the ultimate goal of ensuring that all students can thrive to meet their personal and academic potential. This feeling is reinforced by other highlights this week which include seeing students pitch their advertising campaign to Blue Collar with knowledge, confidence and professionalism followed by student collaboration to plan, produce and edit the Sixth Form promotional video to an exceptionally professional standard. It serves as a good reminder that learning on The Willink superyacht is an exciting voyage from each departure point. 

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is Anti-bullying Week and this year the theme is, “Make Noise About Bullying”. This theme was created through consultation with teachers and students who wanted a theme which empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt caused by bullying. The idea is that it reminds us all - on our phones, homes, playground or Parliament – that we each deserve respect and support one another. This is aligned to our core value of Respect.

“Make Noise About Bullying” has three key principles:

  • Speak up (if you see it, say something)
  • Be supportive
  • Tell somebody

Our voices have the potential to change lives, both for those who are being bullied and for the bullies themselves. Silence gives silent permission to continue: what we permit, we promote.  Speaking out doesn’t necessarily mean engaging in direct confrontation. It starts with creating a culture of empathy and understanding in an environment – an ERA - where everyone feels safe and valued.

Of course, we won’t like everyone, and we don’t always agree, but we can all choose to respect and set positive examples in creating a kinder community. “Community” extends to the online community and students are educated about how to safely manage their online activity through different strands of the school curriculum. This includes awareness that recording and circulating incidents or events designed to humiliate could result in serious consequences.  

Students will be discussing this theme via Tutor Programme during the next fortnight but this is also a focus throughout the year. Activities and strategies promoted throughout the academic year include:

  • Daily contact with form tutor
  • Anti-bullying Charter (produced by students with annual pledge)
  • Students are encouraged to report issues: any member of staff (including via Learning Support Centre and Head of Learning office)
  • Completion of Report and Restore (online or in person)
  • Restorative conversations
  • Trained Peer Mentors
  • Prefects
  • Tutor Programme
  • Curriculum: Computing (online safety), Drama
  • Staff presence during breaks
  • Anti-Bullying Policy: Zero Tolerance
  • Anti-Bullying Accreditation (official award in recognition of the systems that we have in place) 

Anti-bullying is also related to our Fundamental Values – a policy which has recently been approved by Governors. However, we are aware that a policy alone does not create a culture where bullying itself is ostracised. 


The Heating Is On!

The contrasting dance between an Indian Summer and the abrupt arrival of a biting chill is a reminder that life’s surprises can be as unpredictable as the weather itself. We should savour every precious moment of those sunny days, for in the blink of an eye, the elements may conspire to test our endurance and teach us to embrace the unexpected.

On a more practical level, we have turned the heating on earlier than usual this year. This should maximise the learning environment for students and staff. Whilst outdoors, students are now encouraged to wear coats and school sweaters. Whilst indoors, and in the warmth of classrooms, students will remove outdoor coats.

We thank you for your support in upholding high standards for uniform this term. As we approach the next, colder term, we thank you in advance of maintaining these standards with a reminder that hoodies, nail polish/acrylic nails and extreme haircuts are not permitted. 

“Village School, Global Outlook”

This fortnight we are celebrating our global outlook with: the return of students from an educational visit to experience language, culture, art and cuisine in Malaga; hosting students from Padworth International College for our annual Global Event; the departure of students embarking upon an educational visit to Iceland known as “the land of fire and ice” (to name just a few activities).

Of course, we do not need to travel to expand our knowledge of the world. This week, Year 9 students experienced a visit from author Sarah Govett and gained insight into how literature can help us visit new sights, gain insight into other perspectives and cultures, meet different characters...all from the comfort of our own warm home!

With development of technology, our world has become smaller. You may notice that, rather than seeking the company of a good book, your child would rather “read their phone”. There are many advantages of technology and social media platforms but there are also many dangers - including the sometimes less obvious, but no less serious, effect on mental health.

Necessary conversations can feel uncomfortable or overwhelming for parents. Please see the attached guide to supporting parents in having these conversations, setting safe boundaries (including for gaming) and spotting warning signs. Social Media & Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Policies on Homework and Assessment

As we approach the end of Term 1, your child will have been set homework and is likely to have completed some assessments. Unlike many schools, we don’t have a homework timetable with dates for when homework is set. Instead, homework is planned as part of schemes of work, so we indicate the amount and type of homework you can expect your child to receive over a fortnight. For further detail please see the  homework schedule and the  homework policy.

Students are continually assessed as teachers reflect upon the work students complete, the questions asked, the answers provided. In addition, students undertake termly Milestone Assessments in each curriculum area. Milestones are composite or summative assessments and test a broad curriculum content. These assessments can be a variety of activities, (extended projects, exams, producing an artefact, essays, presentations and so on). These form the evidence used by teachers to assess the overall progress in the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills each student is making in each subject. We track student attainment and progress in each subject through these Milestone Assessments. They complement the regular formative assessments (oral and written) carried out across the curriculum during lessons which aim to tease out levels of understanding of key components or subject matter.

Each student in Years 7-9 has a ‘flight path’ (expected progression over time) and targets for each subject. In Years 10-13 students have target grades. 

Communication With Parents and Carers – Progress and Assessment

Students will receive three report cards during each academic year. This year, these have been revamped to be more clearly aligned to The Willink values of Engage Respect Achieve. Those parents and carers who are not new to The Willink will notice the additional column indicating student punctuality to lesson. Are they “On time, every time?”  Students in all year groups will have received their first report by the end of November.

Parents or carers are then invited to meet with their child/children’s respective Form Tutor to review progress and set aspirational goals. These meetings provide an excellent platform to develop the partnership between home and school. Please see the letter about Learning Review Day which was included in this week's Parent Digest.

Additionally, parents or carers are invited to meet with subject teachers for subject specific progress by attending Parent Consultation Evenings. The Year 13 Parent Consultation Evening took place this week and it was great to see so many in attendance. Our Year 13 students are making their final decisions and adding finishing touches to applications to their chosen university or career pathway which makes these discussions so valuable. 

We wish you a restful half-term and look forward to welcoming students in school on 30 October 2023 (Week B).


It has been an eventful few weeks at The Willink – during which we have entertained and hosted many visitors to the school.  

What's been happening? Greater than 230 families attended Open Evening; Open Morning tours have been extremely busy (and continue each Monday morning until the end of Term 1); we’ve hosted maths teachers from other educational settings, teachers studying National Professional Qualifications with us and visiting Chinese teachers; we hosted Mortimer Surgery Flu Jab Clinic...and finally we welcomed a team of His Majesty’s Ofsted Inspectors who visited to complete an ungraded inspection of The Willink.  

Ungraded inspections are typically completed every four years to confirm that the school remains good or outstanding and that safeguarding is effective. The inspection spanned two days and every minute was packed with activity! Inspectors observed a wide range of lessons and explored the quality of education provided, and the impact of the curriculum, at The Willink. In addition to observations of lessons and meeting with school leaders, inspectors captured the views of students, parents and staff. We would like to thank parents for completing Parent View and for individual messages of support to staff during the visit.

Through a range of inspection activities, inspectors also explored the personal development, behaviour, attitudes and welfare of pupils at the school; the promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; and how well the school is led and managed.  

The process was rigorous and robust; the inspection team was also being quality assured by colleagues. The inspectors became the inspected! 

What happens now? We wait. All evidence gathered will be collated and condensed into a report which will be quality assured and then we will be able to share the report with staff, parents and carers. We anticipate that the report will be completed in approximately one month and we will share the report with you as soon as we receive it. 

Parent Information Evenings (PIE) 

During Ofsted’s inspection of The Willink, we hosted our planned Parent Information Evening for students and parents or carers of Year 12 students. This followed a “settling in” evening for parents and carers of Year 7, PIE for Year 10 and PIE for 11. These evenings presented key information and dates for the respective year groups. The partnership between home and school is one which we value so it was great to see so many of you in person (especially those of you who attended more than one of the evenings). If you were unable to attend in person, the presentations can be found via the school website in addition to being circulated via Parent Digest.  

Future Global Changemakers 

The Willink truly is a village school with a global outlook. We are incredibly proud of our inspirational students who demonstrate initiative and moral imperative to contribute to our global society. Activities this term already include: student organisation of a successful non-uniform day to raise funds for Red Cross; student led Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning; successful grant application for Tesco Strong Start (please donate those blue tokens when you see them); elections for Student Council (Yrs 7-11); Kiva fundraising activities; ‘Save the Children’ jumble sale; Year 8 and Year 11 student ambassadors at Open Evening...to name just a few. 

Students have also been embracing opportunities to support their mental and physical health by engaging with clubs, activities and trips on offer. There are over forty extra-curricular clubs and activities available to students. The Extra-curricular Schedule has been shared via Parent Digest and with students via their form tutor. It can also be viewed on our website. From Lego Masters to Netball, there should be something to interest everyone. Students should speak to their tutor if they have a suggestion of a club which is not on offer.  We celebrate student engagement in these activities, but I would also like to thank our committed staff for dedicating their time during lunch breaks and after school. 

Trips and Visits 

Last weekend, the Humanities Faculty led the Year 9 History trip to World War 1 Battlefields in Belgium and northern France. The trip was superbly organised by Ms Mace, Ms Harbidge, Ms Argent and Ms Jonas. All students conducted themselves with decorum and embodied our values of Engage Respect Achieve. I hear that they were also always, “On Time, Every Time”! 

On Sunday 8 October, our Year 10 trip to Malaga departed. We look forward to hearing about the wonderful cultural experiences and opportunities to practise Spanish upon their return. Ten un buen viaje!  

We are also in the final stages of preparation for our trip to Iceland (not only “where mums go”) during half-term.  

Our year 12 students will be travelling to the more local venue of Newbury College to attend a Destinations Expo Careers Fair. The event will showcase local employers and sectors who will expose students to career pathways (including different types of apprenticeships and university routes). We aim to offer all students sound careers guidance; visits like this help to ensure that students receive balanced and informed support for life after Sixth Form.  


Welcome to the first edition of WeLink for this academic year. I extend a very warm welcome (with the start of term witnessing the hottest day of 2023) to all students, parents and carers within The Willink community.

It is my privilege to address you as Headteacher of The Willink which truly is a unique school. Our motto that we are a “village school with a global outlook” is precious and carries great significance in a modern society where division and derision is sadly all too common. Our motto, collective vision, mission and values underpin all that we do at The Willink and we have “reset” the new academic year with a focus on this with students.

Our Vision, Misson and Values

Our Vision“The Willink ensures that all students flourish and achieve their full academic and personal potential. They are confident, respectful and resilient global citizens with the knowledge and skills to be successful in 21st Century.”

Our Mission: Future global changemakers.

Our Values: Engage Respect Achieve

Throughout the summer term staff and students worked together to create descriptors of what their Willink ERA values would look like in our school. These have been launched with students during assemblies and will be reinforced via Tutor Programme, lessons, rewards systems and activities throughout the year. Promotion of The Willink ERA promotes a calm learning environment where students can focus on their personal goals- aligned to the whole school mission and vision to grow future global changemakers.

It is our aim that these values are visible throughout daily interactions and activities within the school and local community. We describe The Willink as a superyacht upon which we are all sailing - in the same direction - and all have an important role to play. Nobody can be left behind. Our extended Willink ERA values are shown in this image:

Celebrating Student Success

Since welcoming students to the new academic year, there is already much to celebrate. I would like to congratulate students for their excellent return to school as they embark upon this next phase of their Willink ERA. In particular, it has been fantastic to see students wearing The Willink uniform with real pride, and to witness their respectful conduct around the site and in lessons. Our thanks are extended to parents who have so conscientiously supported our high standards for uniform with associated sense of identity and belonging to the school community. Throughout the summer holiday, many parents contacted us with images of school shoes seeking reassurance that they were in line with our Uniform Policy prior to purchasing them. This kind of partnership between home and school is something which we truly value.

GCSE and A Level Results

The Willink is celebrating! Congratulations are extended to last year’s Year 11 and Year 13 students, who achieved extremely well in their GCSE and A Level examinations. 

The Willink legacy of achieving excellent GCSE, A Level and vocational results has been sustained with our students achieving far above the national average in all elements. The Willink A Level results were exceptional, with 76% of students achievng  A* to C (an increase from 72% in 2019). This is especially impressive in the context that this cohort did not complete formal GCSE examinations due to the global pandemic. Students have now moved on to their next destination with many, this week, enrolling at their chosen university: Callum (Natural Sciences at Cambridge), Amelia (Medicine at Exeter), Rory (Banking and Finance at Cardiff), Saffron (International Relations at SOAS London)... This list provides gives some insight into the range of destinations which students have been prepared for. Early analysis indicate that our results at GCSE continues to be significantly above the national average and amongst the highest of non-selective schools in Berkshire. Please see the summary of results on our school website. Once again, we celebrate student achievements and share our thanks to the Willink family of teachers who worked tirelessly on their behalf - and to parents and carers who supported us in doing so.

Student Engagement

We have also already celebrated student Engagement via leadership and voluntary activities. This includes: Year 10 Peer Mentors who supported Year 7 students during their first day of school and during form tutor lessons; Year 11 Prefects who have supported assemblies and events; Year 8 volunteers supporting Open Evening; Sixth Form Committees who have already initiated fundraising activities and have identified raising funds, distributed via Red Cross in support of those affected by the devastating earthquake in Morocco, as a student leadership initiative.

Connecting and Informing

This has been a busy week at The Willink with Parent Information Evenings for Year 11, Year 7 and Open Evening for prospective new parents. We have been pleased to welcome parents and carers, in person, to these events. 

Dates of further events for parents and carers can be found at the end of this WeLink.

In addition to WeLink, you should be receiving our weekly Parent Digest that keeps you up to date with all the events and happenings at Willink. Please do contact the school office (office@willink.w-berks.sch.uk) if you are not in receipt of these.


Ms Nicolle Browning - Headteacher



Welcome to the final WeLink of the academic year – and my final Head’s Blog!

Since the last edition we have held activities week, including year 10 work experience, year 13 Ball, trips to Paris and Moldova and, of course, our summer production, Oliver! There were also two days of industrial action by members of the National Education Union; the good news for all involved in education is that it looks like further action in the autumn term has been averted. We have also held our annual prize-giving – both a wonderful and emotional event. Along with the two hundred prizes, a further 500 certificates have been signed for issue this week for amassed merits and “successful sixes”.

Farewell to Colleagues

At this time of year there is always sadness that we say farewell to those colleagues who are leaving us. Mrs Pithers and Mrs Clark both joined us as Teaching/Student Support and are now Inclusion Mentors. They are leaving after 14 and a bit and 14 and a lot of years respectively. Both are held in high regard by staff and have provided wonderful support to countless students over the years. Mrs Farooqi is leaving after four years as science technician. From the teaching staff we bid farewell to Mrs Toms and Mr Brown who both joined us just a year ago – Mrs Toms is taking a break, but I have no doubt will be back. Mr Brown will be taking up a new position as teacher of languages in Barnsley. Miss Frewin has been teaching science with us for two years and is moving to a similar post in Bristol. Miss Bush is getting married in the summer and is moving to a maths post in Monmouth, having been with us for five years. Miss Kilbane has been teaching history with us since 2017. She is leaving us, following her longing to begin a new life in Germany. There is much in the news about teachers leaving the profession after a few years due to workload and well-being. Although it is sad for Willink to lose such talented teachers, it is reassuring that their experience at Willink has been positive and they are remaining in this most wonderful profession.

We are also losing two rather more experienced members of the science department. Dr Gleeson-Khan is leaving after 11 years, having started as a teacher trainee. She has been a stalwart of the department during this time. We wish her all the very best as she begins a new life in Canada. Mrs Fry joined us in 2000 as science and latterly psychology teacher - and it is fair to say has been on the brink of retirement for a few years now only to be persuaded by Dr Kellaway to continue for a year, and then another year, and fill a gap in staffing. I have been assured this time it is for real! We send them both our very best wishes.

Finally, Mrs Stone is retiring having joined us back in 1992. As an outstanding teacher, an outstanding maths teacher, professional tutor, leading as the school took on the teaching training partnership, leading our successful bid firstly to become a Teaching School and more recently the Maths Hub Lead school, Mrs Stones’ contribution to the success and reputation of The Willink School over this period has been second to none. There are hundreds of ex-Willink students out there who owe their love of maths and their careers to Mrs Stone. To all our leavers we wish them all the very best in their new adventures.

Thank You and Farewell

This leaves me to bid my farewell. Thank you for your support and entrusting me with leading The Willink these 16 years and overseeing the secondary education of your child and children over the years. I am very touched by the many kind messages and best wishes I have received - they are very heart warming. I am certain that under Ms Browning’s leadership and stewardship The Willink will be true to its values and go from strength to strength.

May I wish you all a great summer. We look forward to welcoming the new year 7 and year 12 on Tuesday the 5th and the rest of the school on Wednesday 6th September.


Welcome to the penultimate WeLink of the academic year.

An Eventful, Engaging, and Cultural Term

This is such a busy and exhausting time. We have held our Year 11 Prom – such a lovely and relaxed occasion – with the Y13 Ball to follow next week. The Media Showcase was a red-carpet event, exhibiting incredible pieces of work on display. We have held our Y6 into Y7 Induction Days and Information Evening for parents of our new year 7. Over 120 students – ex-Willink year 11 and external applicants - joined us last week for our two-day induction programme into the Sixth Form, for taster lessons, team building activities and preparatory work for their courses starting in September.

This week, sadly shortened by industrial action, is a culturally rich week focusing on sports, drama, music and languages. We are holding two evening and a matinée performance of the musical Oliver! This is a great opportunity for students to create and express themselves on stage - it is brilliant that we are witnessing an upsurge in engagement in the performing arts.

Our sports festival is divided into two days - track and field - culminating in the whole school participating and cheering their House in gaining vital House points as we near the end of term.

Mandarin Study Week

Finally, year 9s are taking part in the Mandarin study week. As part of the Mandarin Excellence Programme, the 2023 virtual intensive online study is managed in China by the British Council in partnership with Centre for Language Education and Cooperation, Ministry of Education who funds the intensive study online. The Willink have been paired with Zhejiang Normal University in Hangzhou, who will deliver the main programme and virtual lessons to our students. The programme will consist of a thematic virtual tour of China providing virtual visits to important cultural and tourist sights and locations. Student will have opportunities to meet and talk to Chinese people virtually through interactive language lessons and workshops. There are also cultural activities including sessions on Tai Chi, painting and calligraphy competitions.  

Teaching Foreign Languages in State Secondary Schools

This links nicely to the big news in education last week that two-thirds of English state secondary schools teach only one foreign language, undermining the government’s efforts to shore up the numbers of students learning modern languages. This year’s Language Trends report by the British Council surveyed state and private secondary schools in England about their linguistic provision. With growing evidence that state schools were cutting the number of languages taught, the 2023 report specifically asked for the first time if students learned more than one language. Whereas more than half (53%) of independent and private schools teach every student at least two languages in years 7-9 (key stage 3), fewer than one in five (16%) state schools do, with 66% teaching a narrow curriculum with only one foreign language at key stage 3. Thirty-five per cent of state secondary schools teach German at key stage 3, and 38% to GCSE, the report found, suggesting German is disproportionately affected (compared to French and Spanish) by this shift to teaching a single language in state schools. In contrast, three-quarters of independent schools teach German in years 7-9 and 80% at key stage 4. With our four language choices, 95% of students studying two languages at KS3, 90% of students taking a GCSE in a modern foreign language and the opportunity to study two languages – we certainly compare very well. Go Willink! Global Willink!


I do hope you are enjoying the fine weather – and were able to keep out of the sun this weekend!

Education in the News

Once again education has been in the news a lot this last week.

Industrial Action & the Autumn Term

The four teaching unions are opening ballots on possible industrial action in the autumn term. The on-going trade dispute is with the Secretary of State for Education over the linked issues of pay, conditions, inadequacy of school funding and teacher shortages. Let’s hope that the window between now and the start of the new academic year can be used to forge a solution without resorting to further industrial action. Surely, we must avoid more school closures in the autumn term.

Impact of Covid in Education

Secondly, a report from the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, was published which warns that the impact of the Covid pandemic on children’s education will have far-reaching consequences for an entire generation unless urgent action is taken. As we in schools are all too aware, and The Willink is no exception, the pandemic has taken a terrible toll on many young people and continues to do so – not only in terms of learning, but in growing mental health challenges and lower rates of attendance. It is disadvantaged students who have been hit the hardest as they faced the greatest barriers in accessing remote learning during the pandemic and are now worst affected by the cost-of-living crisis. We would agree that there is a need for a plan on how to reduce the disadvantage gap and absence rates, and reconsider how the National Tutoring Programme can best support all students.

Teaching Vacancies

Thirdly, new data from the Department for Education, shows that teaching vacancies have doubled over the last two years. Again, The Willink is no exception and feels the squeeze. For us it feels an on-going struggle to fill vacancies with quality staff as quickly as we have become accustomed to  - which often requires readvertising for posts, filling gaps with supply staff, and using non-subject specialists to teach classes. All of this adds to staff workload and it puts at risk educational provision for children.

Then there is the curse of vaping ………… but enough on the negative. I feel it important that parents and carers are up to date with the wider picture.


In school we are approaching the end of the exam season – that to date have run exceptionally smoothly, students are settled in for their final term of the year and enjoying the summer term’s co-curricular opportunities – of which there are legion; see the website for details.

Staffing Updates

Finally, this last fortnight, we have sent our very best wishes to Ms Hoskins and Mrs Avery-Doyle as they have begun their maternity leave and welcomed Mr Lloyd as PE cover for the summer term.


Years 11 and 13

Both our year 11 and 13 students are now fully in exam mode. We have sent them off with final year group assemblies and celebrations – a sort of rite of passage. They were great fun. We shall see them all next at their Proms and for year 11 their Sixth Form induction. We wish them all the best.


We understand exams can be anxious. At Willink we have a tailored support programme for our students. Considerable time is spent creating an individual timetable for students mixing targeted revision sessions, drop-ins to staff who make themselves available at specific times, and private supervised study. We discuss the level of support with staff, students and parents. What is important for all students is that the level of support agreed is carried out – top attendance and concentration at revision sessions is essential. Our Learning Support Centre staff, under Mrs Harbidge, and Mr Jubb, Head of Learning, and the Sixth Form Team are available for students to see and parents to contact if there are personal issues to be discussed in the run up to and during exams. We have also discussed with students’ their mental well-being during exams, about stress and anxiety. Please see our PIE information “Supporting your child through exam stress” for details.

Staffing and Behaviour

As two-year groups enter exams, we now inevitably turn our focus to next year. We congratulate Mrs Schofield who has been appointed Assistant Head and will be joining the senior team in September. A few weeks ago now, we appointed Mrs Czekaj as Maths Hub Lead – so appointments are falling into place. As you will be aware we are tightening up on aspects of behaviour, focussing initially on contraband - phones, jewellery and air-pods. Once we are satisfied with improvements, we shall focus on tightening up other aspects of uniform and behaviour. We are using the adage “keep it simple, execute consistently” as we re-set expectations post year 11 – a code, I know many parents follow. Whilst a small proportion of our students do find following reasonable requests difficult and would prefer few boundaries, we are very much aware of the strong support from parents. Thank you.


I hope you enjoy this week’s edition of WeLink. This edition is the final one edited by Mrs Davies; we thank her for her work over the last few years and helping make WeLink an unmissable read for many.

Let’s hope the weather holds and next week’s Bank Holiday is a fine one.


I do hope you had an enjoyable Coronation Bank Holiday weekend and that the weather didn’t intervene too much with the festivities.

Thank You Volunteers!

Following on from Monday’s “The Big Help Out” and the national focus on volunteering, I want to pay tribute to the many volunteers – governors, sports coaches, mentors, parents who listen to children reading, members of the PTA and so on – who help keep education running. Much of our co-curricular programme, including Duke of Edinburgh, clubs, societies and fixture depend on volunteers! Then there are the local sports clubs, scouts, cadets etc – all adding to the rich opportunities for our young people. And we have dedicated student volunteers too. The number of volunteers nationally has declined since the pandemic so this is a chance simply to celebrate the understated power of volunteering and thank our volunteers.

Summer Concert

What with Bank Holidays and industrial action there is little to report on – other than a wonderful Summer Music Concert. We have received critical acclaim: among the comments:

“We thoroughly enjoyed all the acts especially the unique combination of drums, keyboards, bass and two French horns! I bet that’s never happened before – ground-breaking stuff.”

“I just wanted to email to congratulate Mr Murray, the arts team and of course the musicians on a great concert. It was lovely so see such a range of instruments, talents and groups performing and supporting each other.”

“Thank you for rebuilding music at The Willink and clearly serving as an inspiration for the students who performed and I am sure many more besides. Long may it continue."

Industrial Action

In other news, the general secretaries of the education associations (ASCL, NAHT, NASUWT and NEU) announced on Friday last that they intend to co-ordinate their unions’ industrial action moving forward. The issue over school funding, pay and recruitment is not going away and one can only see at this point, and unless meetings take place, that action will be intensified in the autumn. If you feel strongly on this matter, may I urge you to contact your local MP for them to urge action and find a solution. We desperately need a consensus and a plan on how these issues are to be resolved.

Exam Season

Finally, this week we switch from formal lessons in years 11 and 13 to bespoke revision lessons and the start of the exam season. We wish all our students all the very best!


Welcome to the first WeLink of the summer term. Though there is nothing so far in the weather to indicate summer is on its way! I do hope you had a fulfilling Easter break. 

Deputy Head

Since the last edition of WeLink, Mr Ballantyne has been appointed Deputy Head, following Ms Browning’s appointment as Head. We congratulate him wish him great success. He will join Mr Sizer in this role. This means we are looking to appoint a new Assistant Head to join the senior team in September; interviews will take place in early May. We also have a number of teaching and non-teaching posts advertised at the current time, so if you have interest in teaching, cover team, pastoral support, Maths Hub or joining the administrative team, please peruse the school’s website for details.


This is the time, of course, we turn attention to public exams If you missed our Parent Information Evening presentation on “Supporting your child through exams” please also visit our website – under the “Parent Forum and Information Evenings”. There is good information in this presentation about, creating routines (food, exercise, friends, downtime – help with exam planning), looking out for signs of stress (more irritable than normal, off their food?), talking about anxiety (remembering that exam worries or stress is quite normal, talking openly about how you manage own stressful situations), being available to listen and being flexible to their needs (if they want to talk, just being there), unwinding after an exam (so they relax, do something different and don’t dwell on what they could have done better before starting revision for the next paper), and encouraging them to talk staff at school if needed. With regard to Year 11, our year team led by Mr Jubb and our Learning Support team, led by Mrs Harbidge are available for students to see and parents to contact even if just as a listening ear. We can then act on concerns. 

Arts in Schools

In other news, during the Easter break, an optimistic report was produced - a powerful manifesto for the Arts in Schools. This is an area of the Willink curriculum that suffered during the covid years, and we very much welcome the report and see the value of arts as integral to the international dimension to our curriculum. Also, last week, the work of Maths Hubs was recognised by HM Government as spearheading the drive in realising the flagship policy of maths for all to 18. Whilst some may feel this is an odd time to publicise and capture the headlines against the most significant crisis we’ve seen in teacher recruitment and retention, with deepening concerns about young people’s attendance, behaviour and mental health, and with no sign of improvements in funding – highlighting the impressive work of Maths Hubs, nevertheless, is welcome. 

Industrial Action

Finally, you will have received my letter regarding the two days of industrial action by members of the NEU to be held on 27th April and 2nd May. Being in this situation given the disruption to education over the last couple of years is tragic – for all involved in education. The NASUWT and NAHT are re-balloting members, whilst the Association for School & College Leaders (ASCL) are balloting for industrial action for the first time in their history following a pre-Easter survey that resulted in 87% of those voting indicating a rejection of the government’s offer on pay and conditions – the key reason being inadequate funding. This impasse shows no sign of abating – but rather deepening into the summer and possibly beyond. 


This week two main stories dominated the Willink chatter:

International School's Award

The first, was the school’s International School’s Award. On Monday the 20th on behalf of the school our International Education Co-ordinator, Señor Debuire attended the International Awards ceremony organised by British Council at the Houses of Parliament. The ceremony was also a showcase of inspiring education projects from around the country that celebrate all the international perspectives that opens the mind and aspirations of so many students across the UK and across the world. British Council Chief Executive, Scott MacDonald specifically praised The Willink for the school’s enduring adherence to the principles of international education and being in the “top league” of schools with successful international projects for nearly 20 years! Our “global outlook” is, of course, written large in our DNA. It permeates the school, forms our motto, tenets (engage, respect and achieve) and values, curriculum, house system, charity fund-raising and our micro-financing project KIVA, to our outward facing collaborative philosophy. It is something, of course, we have to continually work at – we do have a small group who find it very challenging to meet our expectations.

Tragic News

The second story was the tragic death in January of Ruth Perry, a Head Teacher in Reading, following a school inspection. The inspection report, published this week, downgraded her school - a school to which she had devoted her life. A Head Teacher in West Berkshire this week initially barred inspectors from visiting their school as the story hit the headlines.

It’s a tragedy which has thrown into sharp focus school inspections – much of the commentary has been about the grading of schools. Checking on performance and standards is necessary but no system should ever have such a devastating impact as this on an individual nor, indeed, an individual’s job, livelihood and professional reputations in a single stroke.

On a happier note, I wish you a relaxing Easter break and our best wishes to year 11s and year 13s embarking on their Easter revision programmes.


Welcome to this week’s WeLink. My three themes this week are, staffing, snow and strikes. 


Across the education sector staffing and recruitment are a significant and growing concern. There are far fewer teacher trainees out there. It seems fewer still are looking for senior leadership roles. The latest teacher recruitment figures are dire, but retention is eye-wateringly problematic – and pay isn’t the only factor. Talking to one local Head/CEO on Friday, they had been recently to Canada on a recruitment drive and returned with a handful signed up – such is the crisis. The Willink is so fortunate, therefore, to have high calibre internal candidates well-trained and experienced ready to step up. As you will have read via my letter on Thursday, we are delighted to have appointed Ms Browning as the new Head. We have also appointed Mrs Czekaj as our new lead for the Möbius Maths Hub – again success against some formidable external candidates. Our congratulations to both Ms Browning and Mrs Czekaj on their appointments.


Last week we had a flurry of emails questioning the decision to close the school due to snow – mostly from individuals who live locally but do not know the school. The decision to close a school is not taken lightly and takes into account a number of factors - the local conditions, the site conditions (with regard to health and safety), weather forecasts, predicted staffing levels and in consultation with staff, some of whom have considerable journeys to work. Although it is likely that clusters of schools are affected in the same way, each school will have factors that contribute to making these decisions weighted differently. The decision whether to close, have a late opening or stay open is taken early, so, if the decision is to close, messages can be sent promptly, and our remote learning procedures are implemented. 


Thirdly teacher strikes. In my letter on Friday, I alluded to a possibility that strikes could be averted. Gillian Keegan, the Secretary of State for Education was due to speak at the ASCL, school leaders conference on Friday, but then in a positive move told the union she won’t appear in case she was needed for urgent pay talks. However, was announced on Friday that the government won’t enter formal talks unless the National Education Union (NEU) calls off this week’s strikes. Meanwhile, the NEU insists the DfE drops its “pre-conditions”. There was no hint of an offer and the Secretary of State has also rejected calls for mediated talks via the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. So, there is no settlement and, barring a last-minute miracle, the strikes are on. This cannot go on. Teachers, leaders, families, communities, and especially the nation’s children and young people – all need this matter settled. We need to be able to recruit and retain great teachers and leaders in a way that isn’t happening. A key moment may be next week’s budget. If there’s no extra investment, other teacher unions are likely to reconsider their positions and more and extended industrial action may follow. 


World Book Week

Welcome to the WeLink’s World Book Week edition. I do hope you find some quiet time to read. We have a range of events planned this week to encourage more reading - including the highly fought over “Turn your Tutor Group’s Door into a Front Cover” competition. No doubt there will be pictures in WeLink’s next edition. On a more serious note, as Mrs Davis our Library Manager says – a “whopping” 3663 books have been lent from our Library since September! 

Six:Teen Edition

Also, in this issue you will be able to read about Willink’s recent production of the Teen Edition of “SiX”. The musical, that follows the lives of Henry V11’s wives, was absolutely brilliant – led by a group of extremely talented sixth form students, very ably supported by a very high-tech Tech Team. Given these role-models the future of Creative Arts is very secure at Willink.

Sixth Form Interviews

Whilst on the theme of the Sixth Form, we have received detailed feedback on the external review that was undertaken prior to half term and that was mentioned in the last edition. The report highlights lots of positives. The main findings were: 

  • Lessons are well planned and scaffolded and also provides for metacognition opportunities for students to explore their own knowing, learning and understanding. 
  • Students welcome the independence of independent study, but may need more guidance on how to reflect on, and use, feedback. 
  • The curriculum is broad and varied, accessible and inclusive.  
  • Students agree with the sentiment behind the vision and values “village school, global outlook”, and many agree they are encouraged and supported to be resilient, global citizens, but students do not make a link between their futures and their learning. 
  • The Extended Project Qualification and the Massive Online Open Courses help to enrich the curriculum and students feel that more enrichment opportunities are ‘coming back’ as we progress away from the difficulties of the last few years.  
  • Students feel very well supported. Most feel that they are all known and understood by their tutors and others.  
  • Most students are positive about their futures and feel the sixth form has supported them with their future progression.  
  • Communications could be improved. Students would gain from a greater focus on careers and personal development. 

Our thanks to Mrs Schofield, our Head of Sixth and the Sixth Form team for leading on this.

Industrial Action

Almost lastly, just a reminder about the industrial action that is taking place this Thursday 2nd March. There have not been any further developments since my letter of Friday 24th February. The school will be open for students in years 11, 12 and 13 only.  

Curriculum Policy

Finally, we are currently reviewing our school’s Curriculum Policy; we would welcome comments from parents and carers by Monday 13th March. Please contact the school office – headed “Curriculum FAO Mr Fry”. To view policies please follow this link​ to the school’s website. 


Welcome to the February edition of  WeLink. It trails a rather busy fortnight – teacher industrial action, a packed house for the year 9 Open Evening and parent consultation, the Maths Hub National Conference and a Sixth Form review.

Industrial Action

Thank you for your patience with regard to the day of industrial action. It is important to emphasise that the issue is about much more than teachers’ own pay. It’s about young people’s entitlement to a properly-funded education with a qualified teacher in every classroom – this sometimes gets lost in media reports. That said the day was accompanied with a range of emotions - relief that things ran smoothly, empathy with striking colleagues and worry about our students. On Wednesday I went back to my roots as a geography teacher and joined Mr Burgess and the department on the year 11 fieldtrip to Windsor – in the manner in which students conducted themselves and interacted with the public they were a fantastic credit to themselves and the school. Meanwhile, the remainder of year 11 and the Sixth Form were engaged in a welcomed day of structured revision.  We really hope that a resolution to this bleak impasse for the teaching profession can be found and that the next day of industrial action, currently scheduled for 2nd March, can be avoided.

Post 16

As a side-show there are moves by the Department for Education to restrict student courses post 16 by reducing the vocational offer to just T-Levels; this will not affect our Sixth Form course offer this September but may, unless sense prevails, from September 2024. BTECs, as we offer now, do provide a stepping stone for many students into higher education and should be preserved. We shall keep you posted on this matter.

Maths Hub

Outside of school, as the lead school for the Mobius Maths Hub we joined the other 39 national maths hubs for the annual conference in Birmingham last week – and a few days later headed up a local leaders’ network for primary maths in Swindon; leading the development of maths in our region is a role we take very seriously.

Shelters Around School

Meanwhile in school we hosted a visit from Streetscape – this is one company we are considering using as we investigate the construction of a number of shelters and canopies for our students for use during social time, particularly inclement weather. The spaces students can go at social time is limited.

Review of Sixth Form

And then on Friday, we hosted an external led review of our Sixth Form. Getting on towards 70% of our students now transfer into our Sixth Form and this coupled with a growth in the number of external students is putting a strain on the systems, organisation and facilities. Students and staff were involved; once we have the full report we shall share the key matters, via WeLink.


Finally, following consultation, staff and governors have reviewed and approved two key policies this last fortnight: the Drugs Policy and the Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy. To view these policies please follow this link to the school’s website.

03.02.23 - Mr Fry Announces His Retirement

On Friday 3rd February 2023, Mr Peter Fry shared a letter with parents and carers announcing his plan to retire from teaching at the end of this academic year. Click here to read this letter.


Welcome to this week’s WeLink. My three themes this week are parent consultations, vaping and industrial action.

Parent Consultations

This week we held our Year 11 parent consultation. If effectiveness is measured in attendance, with almost 95% of parents attending it was particularly successful. Those parents attending will have found it a bit of a squash – we need to expand the venue used. Post covid, we had considered whether a virtual meeting would be more suitable, but given the feedback so far from parents and staff it seems the face-to-face meeting has so many merits in sealing parent-teacher relationship and communication – and they are here to stay. This week we hold the Year 9 curriculum options evening and parent consultations over the subsequent two weeks – we hope for a similar turn-out!


Secondly, vaping. You are probably aware as we are, of an increase in the number of incidents in our local community where children and young people are being exposed to potentially harmful substances, such as nicotine when using e-cigarettes and/or vapes. There have also been reports of children and young people experimenting with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) vaping. THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis and is illegal in the UK. We are aware that there have been reports of young people becoming unwell and needing medical attention after using vapes. Vapes can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Some common styles include ones which look like a thick pen or highlighter pen. These devices are usually very small and can be concealed on a person or blend in with school equipment, therefore they can be easily mistaken or missed. As with cigarettes, retailers cannot sell vaping items to people under the age of 18. Local councils will pass on to Trading Standards any reports of shops selling to underage young people. It is, therefore, clear that young people under the age of 18 should not be purchasing or be in possession of alternative nicotine products such as vapes. Whilst the sale of items as detailed above is illegal, students have reported to us that they are able to acquire devices online or from older siblings, friends and, unfortunately in some instances, even parents/carers. We shall continue to educate students regarding the dangers of vaping and remind students of our behaviour policy and the list of prohibited items. When students have been found in possession of a prohibited item, a strong sanction is always applied. There will be a letter to parents, attached to this week’s Parent Digest, sent on behalf of school leaders across the LA providing more detail, parental guidance and sources of support – worth a read should you feel your child is susceptible to peer pressure on this matter.

Industrial Action

Thirdly, industrial action. Schools were informed last week that members of the National Education Union will be taking strike action on Wednesday 1st February, Tuesday 2nd March and Wednesday and Thursday the 15th & 16th March. Given the number of NEU members at Willink and the impact of closures at other schools where Willink staff have their children, at this point in time, I expect we shall have to restrict attendance on Wednesday 1st. We shall endeavour to keep face-to-face learning for exam years and provide supervision for our vulnerable students at the very least, plus the provision of remote learning where possible. I shall write to parents towards the end of the week when more information becomes available.


A Happy New Year to all our readers! I do hope you had a good break.


At the beginning of term, we welcomed some new staff: Ms Bean (Mandarin & English), Mrs Grant (English), Mr Hulley (Design & Technology Technician & Student Mentor) and Mr Hall, Mr Luke and Ms Kytiri who joined us as Learning Support Assistants. We also welcomed Mrs Connor who, re-joined us after a term’s absence, as Second in English. We hope they have an enjoyable and successful time with us.

Celebration of Success

Coming back to start a new term on a wet dark Tuesday morning was a shock to the system for most, but meeting and greeting our ex-year 13 students at our Celebration of Success event was a delightful pleasure. It is a proud moment to see our students now fully fledged. This is probably a good moment also to advertise Willink Alumni – our organisation for ex-students to keep connected with the school: for full details please contact the School Office.

Health Matters

In other news, or not news, we have not received specific information about health matters from the local authority or UKHSA – you are probably aware from your own family that there is more flu and other respiratory ailments about, so the advice is to take precautions with personal hygiene as learnt through the pandemic. 


In the news last week was an unexpected call from the Prime Minister for maths to be taught to all young people to the age of 18. At Willink just over half our students in the Sixth Form typically study Maths or Further Maths at A Level and AS Core Maths is an available option for students who don’t study an A level in the subject, but who study subjects with some mathematical content. As the Möbius Maths Hub lead school you’d probably expect us to welcome the new commitment, but the idea was introduced without consultation and amidst a recruitment shortage in maths teachers. The problem is also unclear for which maths for all is the solution.

Industrial Action

In the news this week will be the outcome of the various ballots for industrial action undertaken by teaching unions. We shall keep you posted how this unfolds.

 13.12 2022

End of Term

So here we are at the end of a long term. Looking back at where we were 12 months ago: testing, face coverings, isolation, reporting cases, distance and remote education - we have come a long way. It feels so much more human in school now. We can see smiling faces, interact with each other so much more easily (as we found with parents during Learning Review Day), talk about teaching and learning and plan for the future with a positive attitude – rather than organising covid testing, purchasing supplies of hand sanitizer and staffing one-way systems!

Learning Review Days

I do hope you found the LRD experience useful not just for reviewing work this term but also setting the course for the spring term. Turnout was high with 90% of tutor meetings taking place on the day with subsequent follow up for those parents unable to meet the time slot. Over 520 families having responded to the LRD questionnaire so far – the survey is still open. We are touched by your kind personal comments about how the school has made a difference to your child and how it has responded to challenges this year - and particularly delighted that over 90% of you have indicated through the survey that you are satisfied and see great strengths in the school setting high expectations, the quality of teaching, the quality of leadership across the school, independent learning, student progress, school to home communication and safeguarding.

The Schools Bill

In other news, it’s official: the Schools Bill is no more. Just eight months after being launched its demise was confirmed this week by Education Secretary Gillian Keegan. It is a shame that some good measures in the Bill are lost, most notable stronger powers for Ofsted to identify and investigate illegal schools and a plan for a mandatory register of children not in school. However, its central aim was to underpin a move to full academisation with every school in a trust by 2030. Thorny organisational changes were hardly likely to stimulate parents and school communities, and can prove a tiresome distraction for school leaders and governors who are trying to cope with financial pressures and an increasingly serious teacher supply problem.


As is normal there are some staff changes at the end of term. Mrs Sayers leave us on maternity leave; Mr Wall steps up as Acting Head of English. Ms Goddard leaves us as part-time Teacher of English to join Theale Green School as Second in Department, whist Mrs Zhang leaves us as part-time Teacher of Mandarin for Abingdon School. Mrs Owens, our data administrator is leaving us and we are also saying farewell to teaching support Mr Proctor and Miss Davison. We wish them all the very best for the future.

Canteen Queueing at Lunchtime

As the school has grown in size, the queue for lunch in the canteen has become busier. To reduce congestion, and to be as fair as possible, from January we will trial staggered queueing for food at lunchtime. In Week A, girls will join the queue first at 12.40, followed by boys at 12.50. In Week B we will alternate with boys queueing first. We have been in discussions with the catering team to ensure that enough food will be available for students joining the second queue.

School Uniform

When we return to school in January we look forward to seeing students wearing their Willink uniform with pride. Our uniform sets high expectations and gives students a sense of belonging to a wider community where everyone is on an equal footing. Having a clear uniform policy helps us keep conversations with students free of any distractions and allows teachers and staff to focus on teaching and learning.  

To that end, please ensure your son or daughter is in full uniform, including black shoes, wearing no hoodies or sports tops and leaving jewellery or gadget Christmas gifts at home. We know times are hard so if you need to talk to someone about assistance with uniform, please get in touch with the school.

Seasons Greetings

Finally, please remember that school closes at 12.40pm this Friday. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful Christmas and look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.


 Learning Review Days

Welcome to the penultimate WeLink of the calendar year. There is a lot on! Across the school students have been reflecting on their achievements and progress since September in preparation for Learning Review Day. We are so looking forward to meeting parents and carers, face to face for the first time in three years. Some parents of students in year 9 may never have met their child’s tutor! Virtual meetings serve a purpose, but having the personal contact of a face-to-face meeting achieves so much more - as we know from our personal lives. Meanwhile, students in year groups 7 -10 will experience independent remote learning from home. This helps students develop skills in research, organisation, time management and application - skills which are appraised when they return to school. As for year 11s, of whom most will be in school, they have a carefully crafted revision programme for their mock exams which begin on Monday. These exams will provide them and their teachers with valuable information – not just what they understand (or not) but also on revision organisation and techniques – and how to help support them moving forward towards GCSEs in the summer.

The Learning Review Days have also been selected by the School Council for students to bring contributions for the West Berkshire Foodbank; we hope that the school’s part-motto “village school” will be fulfilled! During LRD we are asking parents and carers to complete our annual Parent Survey, providing us feedback on how well we are doing. We really appreciate you taking time to complete this survey. We will report back findings and actions arising from the Parent Survey in the New Year.

Events in School

Talking about a lot on, we have the Year 11 Moving Forward Day on Wednesday (when students experience opportunities on offer post 16 be it at Willink or elsewhere) and, before the end of term, a number of festive events including the pantomime trip, Christmas Dinner, Christmas Concert and, starting this week, the school production, Around the World in 80 Days. Tickets (which enable production licences, props and equipment to be purchased) are available from Scopay and the Finance Office. We hope to see you then. It promises to be a great evening out.

Investing in Education

Finally, following my comments in my last blog about investing in education (but probably not because of it!) the government’s Autumn Statement did bring some cheer. The extra £2 billion funding suggests the voice of schools, parents and communities about the desperate state of education funding has cut through and been listened to by the government. However, there was no additional funding for special educational needs, specialist support services and post-16 provision which are both facing extraordinarily difficult financial circumstances. Whilst this commitment to education, made in the context of a bleak economic picture is recognised, this comes after a decade of real-terms cuts to schools and colleges and that besides funding, the education sector is facing a teacher recruitment and retention crisis largely caused by the erosion of the real value of pay since 2010.


Governor School Tour

On Monday we were delighted to host a group of Governors to tour the school and see the work of students and staff first hand. No areas were off limits! We usually schedule such tours each big term and this, together with individual visits to curriculum areas, help Governors visualise the school they discuss through meetings and committees. They look at the fabric and resources, lesson changeover and SEND as well as overall ethos, behaviour and attitudes to learning. With this week’s second Open Evening of the year (this one for Sixth Form) it reminds me to remind you that we do welcome parents of students in all years to sign up for a school tour – please contact the school office for details – and we shall try to select a dry day!

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and has the theme Reach Out. The theme of Reach Out came about following consultation with teachers and students who wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. The idea is that it reminds us all whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, that we each deserve respect and show each other the support we need. We remind our students to reach out to someone they trust if they need to talk. Reach out to someone they know is being bullied. But it doesn’t stop with young people. From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out, reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities. We know bullying occurs at Willink, sometimes in school, often online. Most weeks there is an incident that comes to our attention. Our approach is outlined in our policy which can be found on our website. Students can use the online 'Report and Restore' function on ClassCharts which allows them to report incidents electronically should they wish to instead of reporting direct to staff. Anti-bullying is also related to our Fundamental Values – a policy that has recently been approved by Governors. But we are aware that a policy does not create a culture where bullying itself is ostracised.

Political Matters

Finally, this is a week of high stakes politics – COP27, G20, the Autumn Statement and Willink’s first meeting of the newly elected School Council! The School Council’s Eco Committee meets on Tuesday (today), starting with a workshop on waste given by local company Hubba and then publication of our Eco strategy. As for the Autumn Statement, let’s hope that industrial action in schools can be averted. Any steps towards industrial action will be carefully considered. But, funding shortages, pay erosion, loss of student support services, and the teacher supply crisis are themselves damaging children’s education. Hopefully government will do the right thing: invest in teachers, invest in education and invest in the future.


Welcome Back

I do hope you had a refreshing break and are in gear for the second part of the autumn term at The Willink. I’m sure we all hope for a period of calm following the chaotic, morale-sapping, unseemly political turbulence of these past few weeks. Quick quiz: can you name, in chronological order, the five Secretaries of State for Education, since July? Those of us in education really do hope the matter of the funding crisis, the woeful state of teacher recruitment and retention, pay and conditions of teachers and support staff, pupil behaviour and mental health concerns can quickly be prioritised and addressed – and that industrial action can be averted. At least we are not looking at the possibility of a lockdown as we did last autumn!

Thank-You to Ian Pearson

In contrast to the current turmoil, I must pay tribute to the constancy and commitment of West Berkshire’s Head of Education, Ian Pearson, who retired at the end of October (this week!). Ian worked as a public servant for West Berks for 24 years and certainly during my time as Head at The Willink was a great supporter of the school. We wish him all the very best for the future.


Back with school matters, we have recently reviewed a few school policies that may be of interest to parents and carers: accessibility plan, SEND, equality information and objectives and our remote learning policy; the latter being relevant as we approach the learning review/remote learning days. As always, please see the school website for policy details.


Finally, we welcome the return of two ex-members of teaching staff back to Willink. Mrs Wise joined us on Monday as Inclusion Mentor, working with some of our more vulnerable and challenging students. Mrs Wise was previously with us as a science teacher and Head of Learning. Secondly Mrs Lawrence, our ex-Head of Music, re-joins next Tuesday, picking up classes on currently being taught by Mrs Andrews.


Battlefields Trip

The weekend before last I was invited by the Humanities Faculty to accompany the Year 9 History trip to the World War 1 Battlefields in Belgium and northern France. Apart from the need to leave home at 2.30amon Friday, the trip was superbly organised and it was a privilege to accompany Miss Argent, Mrs Harbidge and Mrs Jonas. All the near 50 students conducted themselves with decorum throughout the trip. A particularly poignant moment came when a group of our students laid a wreath at the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing in Ypres at the “Last post” ceremony. The memorial is dedicated to over 50,000 British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the Ypres Salient and whose graves are unknown. Along with the wreath we attached a card listing the names of soldiers from Burghfield and Mortimer who fell; one of our students was selected to read the citation to the fallen. In this edition of WeLink students who went on this trip give their account of the experience. We were very proud of all our students. 


Meanwhile, two students, one also in year 9 and one in year 8 had words with each other on the Friday and planned to have a fight. They were aware of the advice, support and expertise staff have in defusing tensions, but rather told their “friends” and their parents, hiding their intentions from staff. Although they knew a fight was quite possible in school on the Monday the parents chose to let their children sort it out themselves rather than inform the school. So, with an assembled crowd and camera at the ready the protagonists duly arrived on the drive – an area out of bounds at break and lunch. The fight was nasty – bruising and a ripped shirt. Three children were suspended (one for filming and sharing content) and their place in school long term is now in jeopardy. The contrast between the two stories cannot be more distinct. 

Use of Mobile Phones

What is particularly sad, disconcerting and disappointing is twenty or so children thought it okay to be bystanders. Film suggests some children whipped up rather than discouraged. We have contacted parents of those children and we have also decided to tighten up our rules concerning the use of mobile phones. Whilst the vast majority of our students do not access their phones from the moment the bell goes at 8.40am to the end of school at 3.05pm a few per cent find it difficult to be detached from their phones and may use toilets as phone kiosks. Up to this point we have confiscated phones in line with our Behaviour Policy and Home School Agreement, giving them back at the end of the day or the end of the week. Now for those we sadly cannot trust, we shall remove phones at the beginning of the day and return them at the end. 


Open Evening and Open Mornings

Although the last couple of weeks have been shortened, what with the Queen’s funeral and our Open Evening and training day, we have entertained so many visitors to the school. About 200 families attended Open Evening, Open Morning was very busy, and we’ve hosted groups of visiting maths teachers and teachers studying national qualifications with us. In addition, we have held settling-in evenings for parents/carers of students in years 7, 10 and 11(with year12 to follow) – presenting the key information, our expectations and dates not to be missed for students embarking on new courses. If you have been unable to attend in person, the presentations can be found via the school website. We also have school tours each Monday up to half term. If you wish to have the “grand tour” (and some of you will have missed the opportunity during Covid restrictions) do contact the school office to book an appointment. Likewise, if you would like a tour of sixth form classes accompanied by Sixth Form students. 

Policies on Homework and Assessment

As we embark on another year we have updated our policies on assessment and homework. Unlike many schools we don’t have a homework timetable with dates for when homework is set, but rather homework is planned as part of schemes of work so we indicate the amount and type of homework you can expect your child to receive over a fortnight. Please click for the homework schedule and the homework policy. Students are continually assessed as teachers reflect upon the work students complete, the questions asked, the answers provided. In addition, students undertake termly Milestone Assessments in each curriculum area. Milestones are composite or summative assessments and test a broad curriculum content. These assessments can be a variety of activities, (extended projects, exams, producing an artefact, essays, presentations and so on) that together form the evidence used by teachers to assess the overall progress in the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills each student is making in each subject. We track student attainment and progress in each subject through these Milestone Assessments. They complement the regular formative assessments (oral and written) carried out across the curriculum during lessons that aim to tease out levels of understanding of key components or subject matter. Each student has a ‘flight path’ (expected progression over time) and targets for each subject. This year’s Milestone Assessments for years 7, 8 and 9 can be found here.


Finally, Covid. Thus far it is not in the news, but unfortunately, we are seeing locally an increase in the number of Covid 19 cases reported – albeit from a very low base. A rise amongst secondary students is being reported in other parts of the country.  So just a plea to be alert and cautious going forward as the new school year coincides with the onset of colder weather. Attendance at school is one sure fire way to achieve success.     


Welcome to the first edition of WeLink for the school year and a special welcome to students, parents and carers new to Willink. We only returned to school on Monday. It has been, of course, had a momentous week – a week when the sun hardly shone, a new Prime Minister at the week’s beginning, the sad death of our Queen Elizabeth and the proclamation of a new King, Charles 111.  

HM Queen Elizabeth II

Much has been said about The Queen in the media over this last few days. Her dedication to public service has been an inspiration to children and adults alike over the past 70 years. She will be hugely missed by the nation, including all those in the world of education where many people will have fond memories of jubilee and other royal events during her reign. This is a time of uncertainty for most of us, as we navigate our own emotions whilst calmly helping children and young people to understand why and how we mourn; what it might mean to live through the end of the second Elizabethan age and the beginning of the new Carolean age and to understand how to cling to optimism even when life feels ever more challenging. 

GCSE and A-Level Results

I do not want to repeat the content of my letter sent to you last week, but I hope you were able to catch the headlines concerning our excellent examination results through the local media and via my “welcome back” letter. Please view the details on our website, if this passed you by. Early results analysis indicate our results at GCSE (70% grade 5+ in English and mathematics, and a tad under 40% grades at grades 7+) were amongst the highest of non-selective schools in Berkshire; our A levels results too were very positive with 38% top grades, 90% C grades or above and all exams passed. Our congratulation to students in year 11 and year 13 who achieved so well and our thanks to the Willink family of teachers who worked so hard on their behalf. 

International School

Finally, I’d like to publicly thank Mr Debuire on his leadership of a successful bid to extend our work and turn the page of our story as an International School – I shall leave it to him to write about what this means for the school. 

WeLink and Parent Digest Publications

May I remind parents and carers that in addition to WeLink you should be receiving our weekly Parent Digest that keeps you up to date with all the events and happenings at Willink. Please do contact the school office if you are not in receipt.  


Welcome to the final WeLink of the academic year – the first for our new editor Gemma Davies. It comes at the end of an extraordinary couple of weeks – year 6 into 7 transition days, year 11 into 12 transition days, year 11 Prom, year 13 Ball, activity week, home trips, foreign trips, sports day, a charity walk on behalf of the Moldovan & Ukrainian appeal, new parent tutor meetings, and rehearsals for the school production - which is brilliant, by the way, and for which there are still tickets going for Friday! Meanwhile we have seen three Secretaries of State for Education and an Under-Secretary of State for Education whose behaviour fell well short of the standards expected of them! I think we are all overheating, tired and need a break! 


It was delightful to meet so many parents on Monday evening at Prize-giving to celebrate their child’s successes. But, as at Sports Day when not all 1000 athletes can race, there are so many more students worthy of praise. I have had the pleasure of signing over three hundred merit certificates to a further tranche of students who have amassed hundreds of merits and Successful Sixes. Whilst a handful of students in each year group do struggle to abide by our values and guidance, at the end of a challenging year it is so reassuring to know that so many students have had a successful year and do the right thing.


Challenging year? It certainly has been stop-start. Covid, of course, provided the backdrop: in school covid-testing overseen by our team of exam invigilator/medics, a pop-up in-school vaccination centre, face coverings and twice weekly lateral flow tests, mass testing after Christmas with advance of the Omicron variant, virtual parent meetings, stop-start preparation for external exams – in case there were no exams, in case there were exams. For some, school attendance fell that had impacted on learning. Sadly, we had a reduced service on trips, co-curricular activities, the arts. We welcomed students from Afghanistan and more recently Ukraine, raising funds for the local foodbank and our friends in Moldova. Challenging year – yes, but the spirit of Willink, the village school with a global reach, has shone through.


At this time of year there is always sorrow as we say farewell to colleagues who are leaving us: This year we say goodbye to: 

Mr Walker, Mr Meadham and Mr Lake, who as ex-Willink students and members of the support staff are moving on to university and beyond. 

Ms Platt (Textiles) and Ms Williams (PSHE) have both been teaching a year with us and are now moving to pastures new. 

Ms Taylor (Languages) is going travelling and Mr Fitzsimons (PE) going home to Ireland. Both been with us two years. 

Mr Gilliam is retiring as Design Technician after 5 years at Willink, as too is Mrs Ellams; she joined us in 2004 as the School Sports Coordinator before becoming a fully-fledged member of the PE department. Also, we are saying goodbye to Lesley Young, a Learning Support Assistant, who is leaving us at the end of the year.

Lastly, Mr Read is hanging up his boots and taking to the wheels as the Hampshire Bikeabilty Coordinator. Mr Read joined Willink in September 1999. He has been Mr Willink, always positive, loyal, takes one for the team, thoroughly reliable and whom has made such an impact on the lives of so many students and staff. To all our leavers we wish them all the very best in their new ventures.


May I wish you all a great summer. Please remember, if you are purchasing new uniform that it is compliant with the school policy which is on the school website. We look forward to welcoming the new year 7 and year 12 on Monday the 5th and the rest of the school on Tuesday 6th September. 


Welcome to the penultimate WeLink of the term. The final edition, to be issued on Thursday 14th July promises to be a bumper edition, so keep your eyes peeled for that one. Much is happening between now and then of course – activities week, trips, prize-giving to name but three. In the meantime, in this edition a note about our editor Sarah Hiscock, some insight into Sports Day and an update on the Maths Hub and Teaching School Hub. 

Farewell to Sarah Hiscock

At the end of June (Thursday), Sarah Hiscock will be leaving us …… finally – I say finally because with Covid and enhanced remote working opportunities, although she and her family moved to Pembrokeshire some time ago, Sarah was able to carry on her role with us. Sarah has masterminded our PR and marketing strategy for both the Maths Hub and school for some time. Publicity, the new murals, prospectuses and the relaunch of the website have all come under her remit. She was also instrumental in the school's first promotional video. We wish her all the very best in her new ventures and send her our very ‘cofion gorau’. 

Thanks to our Digital & Commerce Faculty and PE Department

Our special thanks last week go to our Digital & Commence Faculty for showcasing media and film and to our PE Department who over two days orchestrated our annual sports fest – track and field. This is where students strive for points for their Houses, their personal bests and, as happened this year, new school records. The weather was kind with a breeze. It was a lovely whole school event. More than 50 parents were in attendance, far more than attended pre-Covid and more than we anticipated - we shall erect turnstiles and issue tickets next year! 

Mobius Maths Hub

As we are nearing the end of our second year as a Maths Hub lead school and first year as regional lead for Teaching School Hub Berkshire, I thought I’d give an update on these key operations of the school. Sometimes I am asked how being a Hub helps my child. As a centre of excellence and one of just 44 schools across the country we lead and manage professional development for teachers and leaders of maths from primary to post-16 for western Berkshire (from Bracknell westwards), Wiltshire and Swindon. Workshops and training is free (staff cover and expenses is paid for by the DfE) to schools and teachers wishing to develop mastery approaches to maths teaching or develop enhanced subject leadership knowledge and skills. We utilise the experience and expertise from fantastic practitioners from the primary phase to colleagues at Reading University. Willink staff lead aspects of the programme. Our students gain by being exposed to some great teaching, great thinking in maths.

Teaching School Hub

As the regional lead school for Teaching School Hub Berkshire, we lead the Early Career Framework programme for newly qualified teachers locally and, more widely, the DfE National Professional Qualifications for established staff who are looking to develop their expertise in leading teaching, or as subject leaders, behaviour leads, senior leaders or those with ambitions to become Heads. Again, the Willink provides co-ordination and experts for the delivery of the programme and, as in the case of the Maths Hub, our staff benefit from participating in the training. Investing in our staff is a sure way of keeping the school in the forefront of innovative change and development and provides the very best provision for our students.


House Logos

We hope you find these new House logos bright, refreshing and uplifting. There will be a range of equally bright newly designed murals placed around the school next month, making the school fabric upbeat and welcoming. They will be as similarly fantastic as the logos. 

Events in School

Last week we held our annual House Drama Competition. Not one of the largest events in the school calendar, but one that took on greater significance this year. It was the first public performing arts event since December 2019! The School Hall was pretty full, refreshments were available and the students performed very well during what was a lovely warm evening. It was great to see real parents not the holograms of recent months! We have also held the Mandarin Festival, the Yoto Carnegie Shadowing Conference, and an Oxbridge Conference in the last two school weeks. This week we have sports day track and field on Thursday and athletics on Friday. (Parents are welcome to come along from 1pm on Friday). It is great to see such opportunities now available and students so engaged. As we say “Engage, Respect, Achieve”. 


This time of year is also very busy in terms of staffing. For teachers the 31st May is the final date for resignations. We did have a member of staff resigning with days to spare and one with a few minutes to spare. As it is, however, at time of writing we are just looking to appoint a PE Teacher for September. But, we also have opportunities for non-teachers to join us as a Food & Nutrition Technician or as a Design & Technology Technician or as a Behaviour Support Assistant. So if food is your thing or DIY then we look forward to your application! The behaviour post is to help run our Inclusion Room – so if you are robust and can administer “tough love” then this may be for you. Seriously though, if you are interested in joining us, please see the school website for details. 

Professional Development

This week we have some staff being interviewed by Ofsted Inspectors looking into our work with the Teaching School Hub and delivering professional development courses for school leaders, an in-depth review of our English and Languages curriculum led by an external consultant and the very first face to face meeting of the Strategic Board for the Mobius Maths Hub. We shall give you some feedback on all this in a following edition of WeLink. Meanwhile, enjoy WeLink, enjoy the sun! 



Firstly, exams! They are on our mind more than usual given the two years without them. We wish both our year 11 and year 13 students all the very best for their examinations. Year 11 are already in exam mode, year 13 start this week. We sent them off with final year group assemblies and celebrations; great fun with the year 11 picnicking on the Three Fields and year 13 dressing up in the job of their childhood dreams! We shall see them all next at their Proms and for year 11 their Sixth Form induction.  

As for the exams, well, the first full week has gone pretty smoothly. We have navigated the anxiety of young people, dealt with a few concerns of parents and overcome the logistical challenges of setting up exams and deploying invigilators. There can be half a dozen venues for some exams – due to the size of the cohort or the special circumstances of students requiring individualised support. Our special thanks to Mrs Vause, our Exams Manager, Mrs May, the Assistant Exams Manager, and the army of invigilators.


Secondly, uniform. A new policy has been agreed by Governors. There are two key amendments are the selected school outfitters and the wearing of school shorts. We think the policy is clear, but there are some students (and a handful of parents!) who misinterpret the uniform code. Regarding the uniform outfitters, Oliver Embroidery in Burghfield, who replace Liss Sport, and M&S are our two sources of uniform. All contact details are on the policy. As for shorts, the School Council, led by Archie, Y11 and Lily, Y10, have been lobbying for students to wear shorts for quite some time. The School Council have conducted student surveys, researched and contacted other schools, looked at design and costs and presented to Governors. The details about the shorts are in the new uniform policy; shorts can be purchased from David Luke.


Lastly, a brief update on premises. A new enlarged Conference Room was completed a fortnight ago. New signage has recently been put up around the school and the entrances to the site (as the venue for the Maths Hub and work for Teaching School Berkshire we are hosting far more adult visitors). There will also be new artwork for departmental areas and celebrating our new Houses. The piazza between the Admin Block, the new English/Humanities Block and the Cadet accommodation is ready for surfacing. At the stage of consultation is the possibility of a 3G pitch being located on Three Fields and at an even earlier stage of consultation we are exploring how the school can support the organisation and layout of the community library. When we have something a little more concrete, excuse the pun, we shall update you with developments.

Mr P Fry, Head


Welcome to the first WeLink of the summer term. I do hope you have had an enjoyable Easter and May Day holiday breaks, enjoying the settled weather. With the new term we welcome Mr Murray, our new Head of Music. The impact of Covid together with staff shortages have conspired, resulting in few grand events in the creative arts in recent times. We are therefore delighted to announce that a school production of Matilda will happen (with rather short planning time) in the summer. We are up and running. 

Summer Exams

We are also up and running with regard to the summer exams. Although students have already sat their art practical and language oral exams the first written GCSE papers start next week. With regard to Year 11, our Learning Support Centre team, under Mrs Edney and Ms Browning, and Ms Connor, Head of Learning, are available for students to see and parents to contact if there are personal issues to be discussed in the run up to and during exams. If you missed our recent Parent Information Evening on “Supporting your child through exams” the presentation can be found on the school’s website – under the “Parent Forum and Information Evenings”. It makes a good read. As a parent of three, the youngest boy in year 13 (who, along with his peers, has not sat public exams since year 6 SATs), I do know how fraught the exam period can be. He seem, however, rather less bothered by the whole thing – but then he doesn’t say a lot! As teachers we would say to parents, look out for signs of stress (more irritable than normal, off their food?), talk about anxiety (if you can(!) remembering that exam worries or stress is quite normal, talking openly about how you manage own stressful situations), creating routines (food, exercise, friends, downtime – help with exam planning), be available to listen and be flexible to their needs (if they want to talk (!), just being there), unwinding after an exam (so they relax, do something different and don’t dwell on what they could have done better before starting revision for the next paper), and encourage them to talk staff at school if needed – we are here to help. 

Ukraine Fundraising

Finally, I’d like to comment on the fund-raising for Ukraine and our partner school in Moldova, that finds itself in close proximity to the tragic events in eastern Europe. On the non-uniform day and Sixth Form appeal, the school raised nearly £1200 for the Disasters Emergency Committee. I think, I’m correct in saying this is the largest sum we have raised during a non-uniform day. In addition, we have individual students pro-active in doing their own find-raising. On Friday we held the Vintage Kilo Sale, overseen by Sixth Formers, and in the evening our Moldovan Quiz Night – which was very well attended, great fun and with further funds raised. “Global outlook” in action.  

Mr P Fry, Head


Welcome to the last WeLink edition of the Spring term. It has seemed a very odd term in many ways. On the one hand the school has largely returned to normal; if you browse through the last few editions of WeLink you will read reports about an array of activities and events – trips, clubs and societies, fixtures and fittings, visitors to the school. But on the other, student absence from school is higher than normal, staff absence through Covid is a persistent challenge and there remains uncertainty in how the forthcoming exam season will be successfully managed.  

A number of local secondary schools have had year groups working remotely at home due to staff shortages. Covid certainly remains a challenge – although as of last Friday most of the specific Covid-19 guidance for schools has been withdrawn from GOV.UK.  We hope we can limp through to Easter. However, as a timely recap:  

  • Adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature. If they have a positive Covid-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for five days.  
  • For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice is three days. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.

School Site

In terms of the school site, the current building programme is on the verge of completion – the new English and Humanities block opened in the autumn, the new bike station in January, science labs at half term, a new conference room at Easter. New signage to the school is in place (as a national centre for maths teaching we have frequent visitors!) with new signage and murals in school being put in place over Easter. The space used for the contractor’s compound becomes available soon – but will need landscaping before we can use. We desperately need our outside social space to be available!  

Non Uniform Day and Uniform Policy

This week in the run up to Easter we are holding a non-uniform day. The Student Council have agreed the funds raised will go to the Ukrainian Red Cross refugee appeal. Students wishing to take part are asked to pay £1. You will have received a letter with details. Whilst on the theme of uniform, if you are about to purchase new shoes for your child – please remember they need to be plain black polishable school shoes. If your child is about to have a piercing, then please remember just one small stud ear-ring conventionally worn in each ear lobe is allowed in school. If your child arrives after Easter with alternative piercings they will be asked to remove it and if this is not possible, they will not partake in social time at break or lunch. With regard to hair-cuts (and Easter is often when students shed their winter plumage!) we have a “one head, one hair-cut” rule with no exaggerated steps, lop-sided styles etc; if you are unsure please check the uniform policy

Staffing Update

Finally, a staffing update. We have said farewell to a fair few staff this term culminating this Friday with Ms Hussain leaving the English Department for a new life in Kent. We wish her all the very best. On Monday this week we welcomed Mrs Fulbrook as year 7 and 8 Pastoral Support Assistant; Mrs Fernandez also begins her role on Monday heading up the main school office. After Easter we welcome Mr Murray as Head of Music, Mrs Toms as English Intervention Teacher, Mrs Bassford as our Attendance & Family Liaison Manager and Mrs Eggleton as Sixth Form Administrator. Mrs Grant and Mrs Lacy join us for the summer term covering Ms Hussain’s timetable. 

May I wish you a happy Easter break. We shall see our students back at Willink on Tuesday 26th April. 

Mr P Fry, Head


I hope you enjoyed the fine weather this weekend with spring clearly in the air. On Thursday a group of Governors certainly enjoyed the fine weather, undertaking a walkabout in school, meeting students, staff, visiting lessons, seeing students at social time, seeing the school at work on a typical afternoon. Such visits occur termly and observations are reported back to the Full Governing Body. 

The three themes this week are attendance (again!), Ukraine and social media.


Having had a couple of weeks with Covid having been off the front pages, we were seeing a rise in absence of students and staff towards the end of last week. We are joining the campaign for the continuation of free lateral flow tests as we think it so important that students and staff can quickly access a test if they have flu like symptoms and just want to make sure they are negative before they come to work/school. Year 11s start their set of pre-public exams this week focusing on the core content necessary for the summer exams – and providing some evidence of performance should they miss an exam in the summer. We wish Year 11 all the very best. 


Ukraine remains the focus of our international work. Assemblies have been held concerning the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law and justice, liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of other beliefs and cultures. Last week we sent £1K each to our partners Ion Creanga School and the Bethania Development Centre in Tintereni, Moldova; we know that any money sent will go directly without overheads to help those in 'our' village to support the stream of Ukrainian refugees. If you wish to contribute funds to this cause please visit the Just Giving page via the school website, set up by Carole Scott, parent of former Head Student and Flying Pig, Will Scott.

The School Council have also asked for a Non-Uniform Day to raise money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. This will take place next week after the Y11 exams. More details will be forthcoming via the Parent Digest. 

Social Media

Finally, social media. Social media - the good, the bad and the ugly facets - was the focus of last Wednesday’s Parent Information Evening (PIE), streamed online with a following Q&A session. A timely session given that the day before misinformation on social media led to an ugly incident in school involving a physical assault, three students being suspended – tolerance, mutual respect and compliance with school rules out the window and a lot of staff time having to be spent dealing with the matter. The PIE is available to view via the website together with parent information about Apps used by students. An essential viewing for those parents with children tied to their smart phones! A reminder that phones are not to be used in school from 8.40am to 3.05pm, unless under direct staff supervision. We have clocks and students have lanyards with their timetables should they be lost – they don’t need phones. Parents can contact the school in an emergency in the traditional way; equally, students can contact home via their Head of Learning or the School Office. Students are expected to give staff their phones if they are using them contrary to the Behaviour Code.

Mr P Fry, Head


Two years ago this week we cancelled our trip to China and our partner school Tian Jaibing Senior School near Xi’an; the Covid-19 virus was spreading across Europe. Thankfully, we are in a better place just now. Two years on and this week we have cancelled another trip – this time that planned for July to Moldova.  

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is tragic and distressing for everyone, but for a group of staff and Sixth Formers it is deeply personal.  

The Flying Pigs - Fundraising for Moldova

The “Flying Pigs” trip, so named because of the unique and barely believable nature of the trip, is led by Mrs Downey and has been every year from 2004 until the pandemic.  A group of students, staff and volunteers from Willink visit Tintareni, a village about the same size as Burghfield Common.  They have run a summer school for up to 150 children, preparing and resourcing all the sessions at Ion Creanga, our partner school.  They have supported community projects and community work with the young and elderly. Sadly, Tintareni is only about 25 miles from Transnistria, a Russian held area of Moldova, and shelling can be heard in the village. The gym which we painted a few years ago, where our Sport team entertain children, is now home to Ukrainian refugees, as Tintareni is on the main road from Odesa in Ukraine to the Moldovan capital city, Chisinau. So, after two years when the Flying Pigs were grounded by Covid, and just when we were assembling and starting to train another eager group, something happens that makes the trip impossible.  

The Willink is proud of its International Status and our motto “Village School, Global Outlook”. 

We will be raising money to send to our partner school.  With traditional outstanding Moldovan hospitality, the poorest country in Europe has collected resources and opened their homes and their hearts to refugees. Homes that have hosted our students. But hard cash is the most useful.  We have a long-term relationship with the headteacher,  and can trust that it will be spent wisely. Details about how we can support our partner school will be shared later this week. 

Talking to students about the war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine, of course, has implications for all of us working in schools and for our young people. The upsetting scenes we see with parents saying farewell to their children as they board trains taking them to the west are reminiscent of British children, such as my father, boarding trains out of London at the outbreak of WW2. We can only imagine the heartfelt loss in such scenes. Willink teachers will, quite rightly, talk to their classes about the current situation. Students are asking questions and raising concerns. This is not constrained to history or politics classes, it is happening throughout the day: in tutor time, in geography lessons and in corridors. Teachers will help give a historical context over the configuration of Europe, or the formation of NATO and the EU, and to reassure and comfort children anxious about relatives in the Ukraine or who are themselves of Russian background. We have both staff and students personally affected. Only last week the Department for Education produced guidance for teachers in tackling sensitive political issues. Now is certainly a time for teachers to help young people to navigate their understanding of controversial issues. In 1938, Franklin D Roosevelt put it rather more succinctly “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” 

Farewell Mrs D

Finally, we are saying farewell to Mrs Donnithorne at the end of this week, as she and her family start a new life in Devon. Mrs D, as she is affectionately known, has been at Willink for eleven years, firstly as a Learning Support Assistant and for a good number of years as our Pastoral Support for year 7 and transition from primary schools. We wish her all the very best for the future.

Mr P Fry, Head


There are three theme’s I’d like to write about as we approach the half-term break: attendance, summer exams and staff leavers. 


Firstly attendance. We seem to have plateaued at about 92% attendance, 5% below our normal pre-Covid figure. Absent last week was particularly high in year 7 and only a little better in year 8. We know that vaccination levels are lowest in these year groups. In year 7, 10% were absent due to Covid, in addition to “normal” absences. Of significant concern over the longer period is the increase in Persistent Absence – students who, for a variety of reasons mainly related to mental health, find coming to school difficult. Of concern last week was staff absence, again related to Covid. On Tuesday afternoon as we were looking at the situation for Wednesday, I was on the verge of contacting parents with the news that a year group would have to be kept at home. All available teachers were allocated to classes, all staff able to cover classes were deployed, we had booked supply staff and no more were available, some classes were planned to be combined, staff training pulled. A risk was taken that no more staff would be off on Wednesday and with one teacher returning and no more ill, we squeezed through. Whilst there is talk of the end of Covid, it very much didn’t feel like it; absences and the pressure on staff are considerable; and we thank them. Not normal times at all. Please support us to keep the school safe and functioning by ensuring twice weekly Covid testing continues to be done. Hopefully we get to half term this week unscathed without having to bring back measures to reduce the spread. 

Summer Exams

On to summer exams. Last week Ofqual and the awarding organisations published advanced information about what external exams for year 11 and year 13 will look like in the summer – with the aim to make outcomes as fair as possible. There was information on the standards that are going to be set – not 2019, not 2021, but somewhere between the two and nearer 2020 than 2021! Information on the prior or advanced information for different exams; for different papers, in different subjects, for different syllabuses with different exam boards. And information on how might special consideration work if, for example, a student misses an exam paper, revision or teaching time. There is still debate – what happens, for example, if a student’s attendance is all good, but their teacher, let’s say a specialist teacher that teaches content no one else in the school teaches, is away for a significant time. Last week we held a Parent Information Evening on the summer exams which hopefully answered many questions. If you were unable to attend, the PIE is available via YouTube and the school website


Finally, leavers. It is unusual for us to say farewell to staff at February half term. This year we have a few: we are saying good-bye to Mrs Eddy who, after five years as part-time teacher of English and, latterly, music is moving to a full-time post as Teacher of English at Thames Valley School in Tilehurst. Our English Intervention teacher, Mrs Holloway is also leaving, in this case to have a baby.  From our Admin staff team we are saying farewell to our Business Support Officer, Mrs Mortimer, who is taking up a post at Mortimer surgery, Mrs Moxon, our Attendance and Family Liaison Manager, who is moving to a pastoral support position at Theale Green, and Mrs Tomas, who is retiring from her position as Sixth Form Administrator. 

Mr P Fry, Head


Year 9 Options Evening

It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers of Year 9 students last week at the Options Evening; a reminder of the importance of face-to-face gatherings. That said, our parent consultation evenings for the foreseeable will be virtual with the likely mix of face to face or virtual going forward – the convenience versus the merits of building relationships outside the virtual world.

Equal Opportunities for All

At the Options Evening, the purpose of our curriculum was outlined along with the subject choices available. Yes, we aim to help students to acquire the curriculum knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to adult life, employment and leisure in a fast-changing world. More broadly we aim to develop in our students a lively, enquiring mind and the ability to question, to debate and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills. However, we also aim to promote equal opportunities for all, to counter racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination and encourage respect for religious and moral values and tolerance of other races, faiths and beliefs and ways of life. It is this latter focus on values that has been the discourse for students this week during assembly time and tutor time – understanding about Holocaust Memorial Day, an assembly on protected characteristics, hate crimes, misogyny, and sexual harassment. These are such important issues for our young people to be familiar about.  

Covid 19

At this point you are probably thinking, he hasn’t mentioned Covid yet! Well, we continue to follow the advice from UKHSA and, as we have seen stability in positive cases of Covid, decided that as from Thursday last (the end of “Plan B”) that students are not required to wear face coverings in classes, in communal areas or around the school. However, Covid has not gone away. On any particular day last week, we had over 30 students self-isolating and half a dozen staff. We also know that the virus is particularly prevalent in primary schools. We shall continue to follow and promote public health guidance on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19, maintain appropriate cleaning regimes focusing on touch points and any shared equipment and keep occupied spaces will ventilated. May we ask you to check that your child continues to undertake twice weekly LFT testing and ensure they do come to school with a face covering – they will still be required to be worn when working in close contact with staff and, of course, are required in some shops and transport. We shall watch the school and local data carefully and should the number of cases rise, we shall resort to requiring students to wear face coverings once again. 


Finally, we are looking to recruit to our support staff: we have administrative posts available in the main office and working with students as cover supervisor or family liaison. Please see the school website for details.  

Mr P Fry, Head


May I wish you a rather belated “Happy New Year”. We welcome Mrs Allen who has joined us as Teacher of Music taking over Mrs Lawrence’s role until Easter.

Attendance and Staffing

I am pleased to say that, in terms of attendance and staffing, the term has started rather more smoothly than we may have feared. Our ‘Medic Centre’ undertaking Covid testing worked like clockwork (incidentally identifying a couple of dozen positive cases), attendance at our “Rise & Shine” assemblies was really high and our remote provision was well received – and rather more advanced than a year ago! Attendance last week was 93% with Covid accounting for a daily average of 30 absences ……… plus 3 covid related teacher absences and 3 covid related support staff absences above the norm. Many schools have been affected far more; the impact is localised. However, attendance is a lot lower for our vulnerable learners and much work is being done to help improve attendance and get them back on track and into the rhythm and rituals of schooling. Hopefully, we can get through the next couple of weeks without further disruption. Thank you for checking your child undertakes the twice weekly test and that a face covering is part of their equipment ready for school. On Monday 24th, of course, we host the second round of Covid vaccinations. 

Year 11 Virtual Parent Consultation

This week we hold our Year 11 virtual parent consultation – an important event, even in a normal year. This year it follows the mock exams. In a couple of weeks, the Department of Education will be issuing final guidance and adjustments on this summer’s exams. The expectation is that there will be a full set of public exams in the summer; to provide further experience for our students – and to provide evidence of attainment should there be student absence – a further set of year 11 and year 13 Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) will take place in March.


As mentioned in the last edition of WeLink, a “thank you” to parents and carers who were able to complete the annual survey of parents. We received just over 500 completed questionnaires, down on previous years. After a difficult year it was gratifying that over 95% of respondents felt positive about school expectations, quality of teaching, safeguarding, school leadership and supporting student independent learning; and over 90% felt positive in their child making at least good progress, pastoral support, home-school communication, and, overall happiness with their child’s experience in school. However, only 85% of parents felt their child enjoys school and a similar proportion only perceive behaviour to be at least good – both figures were lower than in the last survey. We suspect Covid has had a part to play in reduced enjoyment. However, the lower figures are noted and are something for us to address. 


Finally, we received a few useful comments on our “Relationship, Health & Sex Education Policy” consultation. This policy together with our updated “Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy” will be finally approved by Governors on Monday (17th January) and will be available for viewing via the website later this week. 

Mr P Fry, Head