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The Willink

The Willink School Charitable Trust

The Willink School Charitable Trust


Donations to The Willink Charitable Trust

As you are probably aware, funding for schools is falling and is not keeping up with inflation. To date we have been able to carefully plan our resources and ensure our students receive a high standard of education. Over the past few years, we have been working really hard to overturn the financial deficit that The Willink was facing. Nevertheless, like many other schools across the country, The Willink continues to face increasing challenges – financial and otherwise - whilst maintaining our commitment to providing the best possible outcomes for our students.

To help us with tackling these challenges we have created The Willink School Charitable Trust. The aim of the Trust is to support the school by raising money to fund initiatives and resources which ensure that the existing high standard remains for your son or daughter’s education and they enjoy personal development through extra curricula activities and opportunities.

To support the Trust you can make a donation to the school in the form of a regular standing order or a one off annual donation; we currently receive individual amounts between £5 and £35 a month. Whatever the size of donation please be assured it will be greatly valued.

To make a donation, please click the blue button below:

Donate Here - The Willink Charitable Trust

 Gift Aid

Everyone is familiar with gift aid and the extra 25p in every pound donated by the government. If you are eligible, please tick the Gift Aid confirmation box to help the school raise extra money to help our students.

If you have any questions regarding the Trust, or feel you can help then please contact the Finance Office on 0118 9832030 or finance@willink.w-berks.sch.uk.

Fundraising Walk Donations

Every year, students and staff take part in a school community fundraising walk to raise funds for selected charities. This year (academic year 2024/25) the funds raised will be shared equally between local charity Launchpad and The Willink Eco School initiatives driven by our student Eco Committee. The walk itself is approximately 10 kilometres through local rolling countryside and woodland, starting and finishing at the school, with water stations along the route.

Donations can be made through The Willink School Charitable Trust, which will allow the school to claim Gift Aid from any donations made provided you are a UK taxpayer. This will boost any donations by 25% which will help the school greatly.

Please click the green button below to make a donation:

Donate Here - Fundraising Walk


Last Updated October 2024